Year: 2010

Climate Change CO2 Caravan Continues At Cancun, Commercially: You Must Pay For Your Sins

The Cancun Climate Conference and most national policies confirm equalization of wealth as the real objective. Everything is based on falsified evidence and completely unnecessary. If a private citizen practiced such deception it would constitute fraud. Despite evidence of manipulated data, corrupted science, false claims, and failed predictions the nonsense continues.

Remedial Education: ‘Edu-babble’ and ‘child-centred learning’ are what ail schools, teacher says

The most significant hurdle facing students, Mr. Zwaagstra argues, is a pervasive anti-knowledge bias that resists the teaching of specific, common content. The “child-centred learning” philosophy expects teachers to tailor instruction to the individual needs of each student while making the experience “fun,” instead of teaching facts–the building blocks he believes should be in place before higher-level concepts can be taught.

Featured News

Weaponizing the Law

The indictment of former U.S. president Donald Trump for crimes invented by his political opponents is the most egregious example yet seen of the weaponizing of the law. The United States is now full of examples. However, in Canada, we also see the law being...

The Last Global Warming Conference Ever?: In Cancun, the activists have traded their sackcloth and ashes for sun-wear and tropical breezes

“This global-warming/climate-change stuff is a great racket. Over in England right now, they’re locked in the jaws of a very early freeze-up. The roads are iced, the plows overworked, and people are angry. But there’s a precious subset of the English population that are not enduring the frigid and premature torments of a northern winter.”

Canada Health Consumer Index 2010

The annual Canada Health Consumer Index evaluates healthcare-system performance in the ten provinces from the perspective of the consumer. For the third straight year, Ontario and British Columbia finish with the top scores in the CHCI’s overall rankings.

There Will Be Fuel

The same high prices that inspired dire fear in the first place helped to resolve them. High oil and gas prices produced a wave of investment and drilling, and technological innovation has unlocked oceans of new resources. Oil and gas from ocean bottoms, the Arctic and shale rock fields are quickly replacing tired fields in places like Mexico, Alaska and the North Sea.

Bureaucrats Swindle Greens In Cancun

As green negotiators in Cancun ended their two-week junket it’s clear that the bureaucrats did what bureaucrats do: they kept a ‘process’ (job-creating bureaucratic gravy train) alive while doing little or nothing about the problem they were supposed to solve.

Federalism’s Free Lunch: Why should Alberta taxpayers have to pay for PEI to provide students with free college?

“Maxime Bernier is right: End transfer payments to the provinces. Let Ottawa give them greater room to tax their own residents, but let provincial legislatures also have to make the tough choice to increase taxes on their own citizens if the politicians want to spend more on health, education, welfare and other provincial functions Ottawa is now subsidizing.”

How Schools Fail Kids by Not Failing Them

On December 4, 2010 Michael Zwaagstra delivered his key points as to why public schools are failing to properly prepare today’s students for the real world to the attendees of the Society for Quality Education‘s (SQE) annual general meeting in downtown Toronto, mostly because, he argues, that schools refuse to fail students.