Which Kill More Birds, Oil Sands or Wind Turbines?

A video produced by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy’s Smart Green Project (www.fcpp.org) in 2008. Updating the message here – according to Nature Canada wind turbines kill approximately 8.2 birds […]
Published on September 11, 2018

A video produced by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy’s Smart Green Project (www.fcpp.org) in 2008. Updating the message here – according to Nature Canada wind turbines kill approximately 8.2 birds per turbine per year. In 2017 Canada had 6590 installed turbines which would translate into 54,038 bird deaths annually.  Nature Canada suggests that the wind- energy industry is expected to increase ten-fold in 10 to 15 years.  Based on these estimates, therefore,  we could see approximately half a million birds killed per year.


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