
Evidence is the Measure of Science, Not Signs

In this piece in Huffington Post, Canada's famous geneticist, David Suzuki, tried his best to connect the recent Alberta floods to fossil fuel consumption. The attempt goes from fuel consumption, to global warming, to climate change, to flooding rivers. The title of...

Precautionary Double Standards: Wind turbines kill birds and harm people. Why doesn’t the “precautionary principle” apply?

Jessica Marszelek, federal politics reporter for Australia’s News Limited Network, recently posted an article titled, “Australia: Wind power ‘terrorising’ rural communities.” Some 150 people turned up for a three-hour rally at Canberra’s Parliament House, she reported, to express their concern about the health effects of wind turbines.

Slow the Flow… Save the Lake: Throwing money at Lake Winnipeg won’t help much, but some ditch-digging might

On Thursday, the province announced a new “Lake Friendly Accord” intended to leverage $1 billion worth of investment into ways to improve the ecological state of the vast Lake Winnipeg watershed, which stretches from the Rocky Mountains in the west down to the edge of South Dakota and then east into Canadian Shield between Atikokan and Thunder Bay.

Featured News

Telling CO2 Lies to Destroy America

I am increasingly of the opinion that the main goal of the Obama administration through CO2 regulation, exploding deficits, punishing taxation, and any other means at their disposal is the destruction of the economy and the complete control of impoverished Americans.

Earth Hour Tokenism

By switching off lights of one hour per year while continuing to enjoy the comforts of modern life, Earth Hour highlights that the developing world really needs sanitation, nutrition, trade, and education more than the sacrifices Westerners are prepared to make for climate change.

Investment Managers Liable as Greenhouse Theories Unravel?

Has climate change frenzy created a colussus built on sand? There is a diversity of risk analyses being carried out by investors in today’s climate change market place. Practically without exception, all of these organizations, many of them among the most successful and respected in the world, completely ignore the risk that the very foundation of all of these activities might be shown to be faulty.