Results for "Reconciliation"

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Liberty or Death is the Question

Liberty or Death is the Question

“Give me liberty or give me death” was a battle cry that many people will remember hearing, but few will recall the statesman who said it. Even fewer will know what it meant. These seven words concluded a speech given by Patrick Henry on March 23, 1775; a speech that...

Cancelling Our Culture

Cancelling Our Culture

The Cancel Culture has claimed another victim. Renowned poet George Elliott Clarke has backed out of giving the University of Regina’s Woodrow Lloyd Lecture over accusations from Indigenous activists that he associates with another poet who once did a bad thing. His...

UNDRIP – Behind Closed Doors

UNDRIP – Behind Closed Doors

British Columbia has become the first province to adopt the United Nations Declaration on Aboriginal Peoples (UNDRIP). Except for the opposition of a determined group of Conservative senators, the federal government would have adopted UNDRIP as actionable law before...

Who Are We?

Who Are We?

Society has become obsessed with identity. I am old enough to remember when there was only one channel on the television and just two sexes. Humans came packaged as either male or female and vive la différence! Now I am told that there are many, many “genders”:...

Free-For-All: Prescription Drug Shortages

Free-For-All: Prescription Drug Shortages

The federal government has made a pre-election promise to establish a single, universal pharmacare program that would cover all, or most, of the costs of prescription drugs for Canadians.   The idea has been discussed for decades, but the public conversation has...

The Most Racist City?

The Most Racist City?

Maclean’s magazine once declared Winnipeg as “Canada’s most racist city.” Now it is Thunder Bay’s turn, a city in turmoil after a report slammed its overstretched police force (if not the entire city) for alleged “systemic racism” towards its Indigenous population....

The Battle for the Bruce

The Battle for the Bruce

As the final leg of the world-famous Bruce Trail – the country’s longest and oldest hiking trail – Ontario’s rugged Bruce Peninsula places a physical exclamation mark upon some of Canada’s most spectacular and well-loved scenery. Separating Lake Huron from Georgian...