Results for "Reconciliation"

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Booting Beyak – Conform or Get Out!

Booting Beyak – Conform or Get Out!

Senator Lynn Beyak has been expelled from caucus by the Conservative Party. The reasons for her removal were that “she allowed” racist posts to be placed on her website and refused to remove them when ordered to do so. In fact, I am one of the people quoted on her...

What’s in a school’s name?

What’s in a school’s name?

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada released its report in 2015 saying that that Canada and the Churches that managed the majority of Indian Residential Schools treated Indigenous people as if they were sub-human. If this is true, then why did many...

What Is In a School’s Name?

What Is In a School’s Name?

It is getting close to Christmas. This makes it a good time to test our knowledge of Christianity and Christian charity. So, here is a question to ponder: When Christian churches founded schools in Canada, what names did they use? Perhaps you think that these schools...

The Myth of Indigenous Utopia

The Myth of Indigenous Utopia

Genocide. Ethnic cleansing. Forced assimilation. Slavery. Racism. As much as mainstream history and traditional anthropology have shown these five phenomena to be near universal features of the human condition, they are mostly portrayed these days in the ivory tower,...

Teaching the Residential School Story

Teaching the Residential School Story

Canada’s sad Indian Residential School history is by now very familiar to Canadians, and it is increasingly being taught to our children in school. This is both necessary and proper. A caring and compassionate society should know its history, warts and all. But the...

Ignorance or Wisdom?

Ignorance or Wisdom?

Senator Lynn Beyak says in a letter that status Indians should give up their status cards and become true Canadians. The reaction to the letter has been fast and furious. She has been denounced by a host of worthies. As I write this, I am listening to a CBC radio...