Our universities have nurtured and foisted on America and Canada an extreme radicalism that vilifies American and Canadian history, society, and culture. This radicalism stems in the first instance from identity grievance studies programs, such as feminist and gender...
Results for "Fcpp.org"
Fact Check: Hurricanes Are Not Strengthened by Our CO2 Emissions
Over the past week, media across the world have proclaimed 2020 a record year for hurricanes in the North Atlantic. The culprit? Man-made climate change, of course. But this is a mistake, not only because the “records” are misleading but also because the causes of...
Canada’s Sexist Child Support Guidelines
If Christopher Sarlo is right, Canada’s Federal Child Support Guidelines are wrong. The economics professor at Nipissing University in North Bay, Ontario made an in-depth analysis on the basis for the Guidelines and found them wanting. His 100-page examination leads...
The Geothermal Energy Revolution
There is a revolution coming in geothermal energy. How big it will be and how fast it can grow remains to be seen, but the revolutionary technology is here now. We already know about the new technology by name — fracking. But that is fracking for oil and gas, the...
Featured News
Rise of Shadow Banking is Victory for Consumers
Competitors Mean Less Power for Incumbents, Central Bank Financial intermediation outside the banking system, also known as shadow banking, is growing by leaps and bounds in Canada. It is a CAD$1.5 trillion industry that expanded by 30 percent between 2015 and 2017,...
Will Governments Cash in on Home Education Programming as a Post Pandemic Policy?
Hats off to teachers, educational support staff, and education leaders who have quickly led a historic transition from traditional bricks and mortar programming to online and homeschool education programs for a majority of Canadian K-12 students. Considering the short...
Climate Change in Disarray – An African Perspective
A Professor Emeritus from Pretoria, South Africa attributes changes in weather to variations in solar activity not man-made CO2 emissions.
Trapped in the Aboriginal Narrative
All across the land, native leaders are beating the drums for tomorrow's National Day of Action. The point of the protests, they claim, is to "educate" the rest of us about the terrible conditions endured by aboriginals. "Poverty among Canada's first nations peoples...
Let Rural Parents Fund their Own Charter Schools
Countless memorials to a Prairie institution – the one-room schoolhouse – dot the highways and back roads of rural Manitoba. These bygone institutions, where thousands of Manitoba children learned how to read, write and do basic arithmetic, slowly disappeared as...
Calvin Helin, Aboriginal Entrepreneur and Author of Dances with Dependency
Frontier’s conversation with the author of “Dances With Dependecy”, Calvin Helin
A Reserve in Turmoil
A visit to a remote First Nation presents a microcosm of Canada’s severely dysfunctional aboriginal policy, which revolves around subsidizing people to languish on isolated reserves where there is no economy.
Board Costs Farmers $1 a Bushel: Report
A new report analyzing the value that the Canadian Wheat Board insists it delivers to Prairie farmers offers “instant absolute proof” to the contrary, says its author. Far from maximizing returns back to producers, the board is actually leaving an “astounding” amount...
First Nation Electoral Corruption Common
The old regime that retains a majority on council is once again showing the people that they have absolute power and that no one should dare challenge it. The situation is especially stressful for appeal committee members and their families. They know that the wrong decision could mean the end of their careers and very intimidated lives if they remain on the reserve.
Cash-addicted Atlantic premiers want equalization even if their provs become “haves”
Recently Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams and Nova Scotia Premier Rodney MacDonald have been complaining that the federal government has broken the Atlantic accord on equalization payments. The federal Conservatives' Atlantic MPs have been on the verge of a caucus...
CWB Price Premium Myth
Competition would dramatically raise the prices farmers are currently receiving thereby enabling them to effectively compete in the global marketplace.