Results for "Joseph q"

Imposing an Oil Pipeline on Quebec

Imposing an Oil Pipeline on Quebec

During the recent French and English language debates for the Conservative leadership, one of the two candidates accused the other of wanting to impose an oil pipeline on Quebec without its consent.  In this case, the Conservative MP for Durham was accused – after he...

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The Housing Bubble: The Economists Should Have Known

“It is truly astonishing to watch how determined the economics orthodoxy is to defend its inexcusable, economy-wrecking performance in the run up to the financial crisis. Most people who preside over disasters, say from a boating accident or the failure of a venture, spend considerable amounts of time in review of what happened and self-recrimination. Yet policy-making economists have not only seemed constitutionally unable to recognize that their programs resulted in widespread damage, but to add insult to injury, they insist that they really didn’t do anything wrong.”

We Should Embrace the Real Risk-Takers

“What kind of entrepreneur should we embrace and who should be shooed away? I would choose to give a bear hug to those business folks who try to meet consumer needs without fleecing taxpayers and dismiss “entrepreneurs” who use the power of the state to get a slice of the pie and pig out on taxpayer subsidies.”

US Government’s Climate Con-Job

If the congressional, administration and activist conspirators behind this massive deceit were in the private sector – peddling bogus drugs, rather than bogus science – they’d quickly become convicts. Instead of jail time, though, they’ll probably get bonus checks.