Audio Commentaries
The Centre produces public policy audio (podcasts) on a variety of public policy topics.
Backgrounders educate readers on a particular topic or issue and range from 1,200 and 2,500 words. Backgrounders have endnotes citing the sources for facts and other authors who have written about the issues.
Books – NEW BOOK
Frontier has been involved in the publication of a number of educational books, written by its researchers, fellows, and close associates. These books are compositions of great length that have taken a considerable investment of time to research, write, edit, produce and require a reader an investment of time to read and truly digest the content and knowledge.
Book Reviews
If you’re in need of some critical analysis of the last books on public policy, look no further, Frontier’s book reviewers deliver deep analysis of some of the most influential books on public policy currently available.
A one page statistical and graphical discussion of prairie policy issues. Also circulated by fax and email.
Commentaries range between 550 and 800 words, do not have footnotes or endnotes, however, they include hyperlinks within the text to guide interested readers to references and related documents.
Conversations from the Frontier
Brief interviews with policy innovators.
Essays are longer, between 900 and 3,000 words, and have footnotes or hyperlinks to source material that has been cited.
Media Appearances
Many of Frontier’s policy experts appear on a variety of TV and Radio Talk Shows, such as Bridge City News and CHQR770.
Meetings with Policy Experts
Short lectures and presentations by trend-setting researchers and public officials.
Policy Series
Longer reports of interest to researchers and opinion leaders.
Profile Series
Profiles on leading individuals in public policy and leaders in the different areas FCPP has be involved with research.
Public Presentations
Frontier Centre staff and advisory board members regularly address varied audiences, including service clubs, university students and business organizations.
Radio Commentaries
The Centre produces public policy commentary for a number of different network and independent radio stations across Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.
Valuation of Crown Corporations
The Centre produces current valuations on many different crown corporations across Canada, providing citizens with a sense their performance and estimated value to the public if they were to be divested.