opinion backlog

Poll Question: December 21, 2022 to December 27, 2022

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Do you prefer "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays"?

Poll Question: December 14, 2022 to December 20, 2022

According to a recent National Post story Quebec Premier Francois Legault (Canada’s most popular Premier) opposes “wokeness” – particularly diversity hiring.  His government believes merit and competence should be the most important criteria in hiring decisions in government and academia.

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Do you agree?

Related info: Jamil Jivani: Quebec is leading the fight against ‘le wokisme’  National Post, December 11, 2022

Poll Question: December 7, 2022 to December 13, 2022

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Inflation is at record levels and is rapidly increasing the cost of living. Has this impacted you?

Poll Question: November 30, 2022 to December 6, 2022

On July 2, 2022 the statues of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II were defaced and destroyed by protestors on the grounds of the Manitoba legislature. This is one of numerous examples where public property and tributes to Canadian leaders including Sir. John A MacDonald have occurred.  To our knowledge, no charges or fines have been made on those undertaking these acts of vandalism.

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Do you believe it is important for the Crown do so?

Poll Question: November 23, 2022 to November 29, 2022

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Ontario’s Chief Health Officer Dr. Kieran Moore recently said a mask mandate remains on the table, as pediatrics hospitals have been overwhelmed by as influx of patients in recent weeks.

Background information – Ontario’s top doctor ‘strongly’ recommends masks, Alberta premier says don’t panic – CityNews Ottawa

Poll Question: November 16, 2022 to November 22, 2022

On November 11, Canadians remembered all who gave their tomorrows for our today, in wars big and small.

From Vimy ridge to Juno Beach to Kandahar and in between, Canadians have served their nation and the cause of freedom with extraordinary distinction.

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More recently, Canadians are concerned that many schools do not teach this important history of sacrifice. Knowing that culture is upstream of policy, are you concerned that fewer Canadians appear to be forgetting the significance of Remembrance Day?

Poll Question: November 09, 2022 to November 15, 2022

On October 24th, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith requested a meeting with her fellow Prairie Premiers Saskatchewan’s Scott Moe, and Manitoba’s Heather Stefanson to discuss developing port and pipeline capacity on the Hudson Bay for shipping oil, crops, fertilizers, critical minerals and other commodities.

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Do you agree with this initiative?

Background Info

Nee Sta Nan Energy Corridor is a win-win-win, Winnipeg Sun, May 14, 2021

Poll Question: November 03, 2022 to November 09, 2022

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On November 8th Americans will vote in Senate and Congressional elections. Do you expect a Biden Shellacking: Republicans to win both Senate and Congressional elections?

Poll Question: October 26, 2022 to November 01, 2022

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Are you thinking of buying an EV (electric vehicle) as your next car?

Poll Question: October 19, 2022 to October 25, 2022

In a much awaited decision, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission has laid out the policy aimed at increasing competition and lowering mobile wireless services for Canadians.

This week’s decision will govern the implementation of a so-called mobile virtual network operator or MVNO regime that will allow smaller regional providers to buy bulk access to existing networks at wholesales prices for seven years while they build their own networks.

The goal of this decision is to help establish new competitors in the market and decrease the cost of wireless services.

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Are you optimistic that this decision will decrease Canadian wireless costs?:

Poll Question: October 12, 2022 to October 18, 2022

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Danielle Smith, Alberta’s new premier has fired the province’s Chief Medical Officer who led the Covid lockdowns and also will apparently clear out the senior management cohort involved. This is:

Background information

Braid: Dr. Deena Hinshaw is the first sacrifice to Smith’s health care upheavalCalgary Herald, Oct 12, 2022

Poll Question: October 05, 2022 to October 11, 2022

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Will Danielle Smith, the new Premier of Alberta, disrupt Canadian politics?

Background information

Danielle Smith elected UCP leader, Alberta’s next premier | Canoe.Com

Poll Question: September 28, 2022 to October 04, 2022

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Effective today (September 30, 2022) the federal government will remove various Covid restrictions including mandatory use of the Arrivecan app. This decision is:

Poll Question: September 21, 2022 to September 27, 2022

Next week the Frontier Centre hosts 2 of the 3 authors of the Great Barrington Declaration (click here for more information). The declaration defended the traditional approach to managing virus outbreaks – particularly focused protection of the vulnerable, not lockdowns and universal vaccine mandates.

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Do you agree with the approximately 940,000 scientists, health care providers and other leaders world wide who have signed the declaration as of September 2022?

Poll Question: September 14, 2022 to September 20, 2022

Because of prolific federal government spending, Canada has an inflation rate approaching 8% and our interest rates are among the highest in the G20.

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Will the Bank of Canada likely raise rates again?

Poll Question: September 7, 2022 to September 13, 2022

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Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s longest reigning monarch died on September 8, 2022. The throne goes to her first born son Charles. Are you confident Charles can do the job?

Poll Question: August 31, 2022 to September 6, 2022

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Some provincial governments are sending out token one time payments to help families cope with inflation. Would it be better to simply cut taxes?

More information

Poll Question: August 24, 2022 to August 30, 2022

This past week, the Prime Minister met with the German President.  One of the critical challenges Europe faces is energy shortages given the reduced supply of energy by Russia. During the talks, the PM stated their is no “business case” for Canada to export Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) to Europe.

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Do you agree?

Poll Question: August 17, 2022 to August 23, 2022

On August 18th, New York Congresswoman Elise Stefanik formally requested that the Trudeau Government terminate its ArriveCAN app which requires all travellers to electronically provide various information before entry is granted to Canada.   The cost of the problem-plagued app was roughly $25 million but the hassle and delays are one reason critics say tourism spending remains more that a third below pre-pandemic levels (roughly $97 billion in 2019).

From a recent report: Stats Canada reports wait times at land border crossings have lengthened by up to two hours since 2019 despite traffic being cut in half, and bridge authorities attribute this entirely to restrictions and the ArriveCAN app. The average processing time for arriving passengers at airports has increased by 400 per cent.

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Regarding the Trudeau Government’s ArriveCan App:

Related information –

Letter from Congresswoman Elise Stefanik to Government of Canada, August 18, 2022

‘Scrap the App’: border chambers ask government to end ArriveCan, CTV News, August 15, 2022.

Poll Question: August 10, 2022 to August 16, 2022

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Is Canada entering a recession?

Poll Question: August 3, 2022 to August 9, 2022

A report this week based on recently revealed court documents shows that the federal government’s vaccine travel mandate, which blocked 5 million Canadians from air and rail travel, had no scientific basis. None of 20 members of the Covid Recovery Unit, the federal government bureaucrats who wrote the vaccine travel mandate, had any formal education in epidemiology, medicine or public health.  The Director General in charge, Jennifer Little, Little, has an undergraduate degree in literature from the University of Toronto.

The vaccine travel mandate was suspended on June 20, 2022.   The mandate was not eliminated and could be returned anytime.

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What is your view on this?

Related information –

Court Documents Reveal Canada’s Travel Ban Had No Scientific Basis, Rupa Subramanya August 2, 2022 Commonsense Substack.

Poll Question: July 27, 2022 to August 2, 2022

The federal government is proposing to cut carbon dioxide emissions from fertilizer 30 per cent by 2030 as part of a plan to get to net zero in the next three decades. An identical plan in Holland has led to extensive continuing protests by Dutch farmers who observe that fertilizer reductions will reduce yields and push many of them into bankruptcy.  While Canada has 250,000 truckers it has 650,000 farmers.

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Do you see conditions for a replay of the Freedom Convoy protests?

More information – Trudeau, farmers spar on climate plan cutting fertilizer, BNN Bloomberg July 27, 2022

Poll Question: July 20, 2022 to July 26, 2022

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British Columbia’s top court has ruled that a medicare law that prohibits patients from paying for faster access to health care does not violate their constitutional rights, even if they must endure longer waits in the public system and risk poorer health outcomes.

Related information

B.C. Court of Appeal rules against doctor in private health care case, Globe and Mail July 15, 2022

Poll Question: July 13, 2022 to July 19, 2022

Last week Rogers mobile phone and Internet access networks went down leaving millions of Canadians without cell phone service or Internet access.  The disruption also interrupted 911 and interac services which facilitated electronic payment in stores across the country.   It appears, from preliminary information, that Rogers was doing a network maintenance upgrade and may have failed to follow normal procedures. Possibly some executive told the engineers to just get it done by Thursday. Obviously back-up and the disaster recovery process were both inadequate within Rogers and among the telecom companies. The CRTC has asked Rogers for a full explanation. The federal agency responsible to telecom policy – Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) has called a meeting of major telecom executives and wants to see a plan for better mutual back-up and total network resiliency?

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In other developed countries there would be hell to pay. What will happen here?

Poll Question: July 06, 2022 to July 12, 2022

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Is inflation taxation?

Poll Question: June 29, 2022 to July 05, 2022

Canada’s federal government plans to ban the following so-called single use plastics in December 2022:

  • checkout bags;
  • cutlery;
  • foodservice ware made from or containing problematic plastics that are hard to recycle;
  • ring carriers;
  • stir sticks; and
  • straws (with some exceptions).

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What's your opinion?

Poll Question: June 22, 2022 to June 28, 2022

“On May 27 last year Canada was in a state of shock when claims were made that indigenous children from the Kamloops Indian Residential School had been somehow killed and secretly buried – with the forced help of children as young as six. Since then millions of dollars have been spent searching for “missing children”. None have been found, and it is looking increasingly likely that the claims that there are thousands of missing children and secret burials is false.

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Is the “missing children/unmarked graves” claim the single biggest “fake news” story in Canada’s history?

Poll Question: June 15, 2022 to June 21, 2022

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What is your opinion of the legacy media?

Two-Thirds of Canadians on Right of Political Spectrum Think Media Doesn’t Provide Fair Coverage: Survey


Poll Question: June 8, 2022 to June 14, 2022

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The federal government plans to ban the sale of gasoline/diesel vehicles in 2035 in Canada. It is part of an effort to reach net-zero emissions across the country by 2050. What do you think?

Related information

Background information – Canada to ban sale of new fuel-powered cars and light trucks from 2035. Reuters, June 29, 2021

Poll Question: June 1, 2022 to June 7, 2022

The Conservative Party comfortably won the Ontario provincial election on June 2. Various pundits have referred to the result as a blue collar election victory since the Conservative platform had been endorsed for the first time by private sector unions.

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Do you think this is a significant development?

Related information

Ben Woodfinden: Doug Ford’s blue collar election victory could reshape conservatism, National Post, June 3, 2022

Poll Question: May 25, 2022 to May 31, 2022

Traditionally the Bank of Canada’s main mission was to maintain price stability in the economy.  In recent years there has been mission creep including assessing climate-related risks to Canada’s economy and financial system and expanding its internal DIE (diversity, inclusion and equity) policies.

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Do you think the Bank of Canada should run an apolitical monetary system and forget about climate change, DIE policies and other social justice project?

Related information – The Bank of Canada’s Obsession with Woke Identity Politics, by Jamie Karkonak, National Post, May 27, 2022

Poll Question: May 18, 2022 to May 24, 2022

Canada is the only country in the world where a vaccine mandate prohibits approximately 6 million unvaccinated Canadians from air travel.   This despite it now being well recognized that the vaccines don’t prevent infection or transmission which removes any case for such a vaccine mandate.

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Do you think a class action lawsuit against the Government of Canada should be launched?

Poll Question: May 11, 2022 to May 17, 2022

Canadian politicians followed most of the world in responding to the Covid 19 virus with lockdowns and vaccine and mask mandates, that relied on a highly coordinated international fear narrative. In retrospect the policies were a cure worse than the disease that failed badly – killing far more people than they saved while causing enormous damage to the economy, civil society and the country’s finances.  On a broader level the massive failure also exposed our failing health, court and political systems.  The government subsidized traditional media mostly just simply repeated the official government fear narrative.  After almost two years of what can be described effectively as medical martial law, the Trucker freedom convoy finally broke the narrative but only after the federal government used the Emergency Measures Act to crush protests and seize bank accounts. This damaged Canada’s banking system as billions in funds fled for safer places. In the end, this over reaching crack down ended up badly damaging the “Canada brand” as a serious country internationally.

The lockdowns are over but vaccine mandates linger even though it is now well understood that vaccines don’t prevent infection or transmission.

It is now widely acknowledged that the lockdown/mandate based Covid 19 response will end up being the biggest public policy fiasco in history.  To ensure that it is never repeated there are now calls for a proper public inquiry. However, having signed off on the mess, the political class has little incentive to conduct a proper, arms length Royal Commission or inquiry.   Retired statesman Preston Manning, has written a fictionalized story that describes a work-around – the emergence of a grass roots citizen based Covid Commission which conducts the needed inquiry and recommends the required reforms to fix the various policy systems that failed so egregiously under the lockdown/mandate virus response.

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Do you favour the Citizen’s Inquiry model described by Preston Manning?

Additional Information

Report of the COVID Commission, by Preston Manning, May 11, 2022

Poll Question: May 04, 2022 to May 10, 2022

A National Post article this week reported that India’s Supreme Court ruled that “no one can be forced to be vaccinated” and that “bodily integrity and personal autonomy” are protected under the law as a constitutional right.  Meanwhile on May 2, Switzerland, and Greece at the same time, lifted all remaining pandemic-related travel restrictions. Visitors, and returning residents, no longer need to show proof of vaccination, proof of recovery, or a recent negative test. New Zealand, similarly, removed its domestic air travel ban on the unvaccinated on April 15th and as of May 1, no longer requires international travellers to show proof of vaccination to board flights.

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Do you agree with the Trudeau Government's continued air travel ban for the roughly 5 million Canadians who are not vaccinated?

Additional Information – Rupa Subramanya: India’s courts get it right on vaccine mandates — and Canada doesn’t National Post, May 5, 2022


Poll Question: April 27, 2022 to May 03, 2022

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Should parents have control over what their children are taught in the classroom in government-run schools?

Poll Question: April 20, 2022 to April 26, 2022

The Florida Legislature voted this week to abolish the Reedy Creek Improvement District, which in effect lets Disney World run its own private government and save tens of millions in costs annually. This after Disney chose to get involved in school politics by opposing legislation that banned a SOGI (sexual orientation gender identity) curriculum for kindergarten to grade 3 in Florida public schools.

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Disney’s CEO, Bob Chapek:


Additional information

Is Disney leaving Florida amid DeSantis feud over Don’t Say Gay law (usatoday.com) USA Today, April 22, 2022

Revolt in Disney’s Florida Kingdom   Wall Street Journal, April 22, 2022.

Ex-McDonald’s CEO Rensi: Companies have ‘no business’ in politics (nypost.com) New York Post, April 21, 2022

Poll Question: April 13, 2022 to April 19, 2022

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Elon Musk is trying to buy Twitter.

Background information:

Elon Musk offers to buy Twitter, take it private | Fox Business

Poll Question: April 6, 2022 to April 12, 2022

On April 7th, U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi tested positive for Covid 19 despite being full vaxxed and boosted (4 shots).  Other politicians (PM Trudeau, Sask Premier Scott Moe, most elected leaders …) have also had Covid 19 despite being similarly fully vaccinated.  For several months, it has been generally accepted that the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission.   If vaccinated people can still catch/transmit Covid it eliminates the rationale for vaccine mandates which prevent non-vaccinated people from holding a job, going to university, or getting on an airplane in Canada.

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Moving forward:

Background information:

Nancy Pelosi tests positive for Covid-19, spokesman says – CNNPolitics

Poll Question: March 30, 2022 to April 5, 2022

On March 29, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government announced an ambitious climate plan targeting a 40 per cent reduction in carbon dioxide from 2005 level-emissions.   It’s a plan that leans heavily on deep cuts in the electricity, oil and gas and transportation sectors.

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Do you think this is a good or bad thing for Canada?

Related information:

What Canada’s 40% emissions reduction plan means for the economy’s major sectors, National Post, March 30, 2022

Poll Question: March 23, 2022 to March 29, 2022

Earlier this week the Trudeau Government finalized an agreement with the New Democrats that would keep it in power until June 2025 in exchange for progress on longstanding NDP priorities like dental care for kids and anti-scab legislation in federally-regulated industries.  Do you think this is a good or bad thing for Canada?

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Do you think this is a good or bad thing for Canada?

Poll Question: March 16, 2022 to March 22, 2022

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Looking back, do you think the Truckers Freedom Convoy played a significant role in shifting Canada’s discussion around Covid lockdowns and vaccine mandates?

Poll Question: March 9, 2022 to March 15, 2022

The latest Demographia Housing Affordability Index – jointly released this week by the Frontier Centre and the Urban Reform Institute (Texas) shows continuing deterioration in house affordability across 8 countries in cities (with a population of a million or more) in the English speaking world.  In Canada, it took an average of 6 years income to buy a house, up from 4.4 years in pre-pandemic 2019.

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To make housing more affordable in Canada:

Background information:    2022 Edition of Demographia International Housing Affordability  March 7, 2022, Frontier Centre and the Urban Reform Institute

Poll Question: March 2, 2022 to March 8, 2022

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The Canadian media continues to benefit from hundreds of millions in federal government funding over recent years. Do you trust media that receives government subsidies?

Background information –  The Great Canadian Media Swindle, Canadian Dimension, November 22, 2021

Poll Question: February 23, 2022 to March 1, 2022

On February 23, the Trudeau government cancelled its plan to maintain Canada in a state of martial law.  It also reversed its plan to seize bank accounts of Canadians who donated money to the Freedom Truck Convoy (made transparent through an illegal hack of a crowd funding site).   But apparently the damage has just started.  The policy caused the computer systems of 5 banks to crash as people moved to place their funds in safer places – with various speculations that Freeland’s policy is causing the beginning of a prolonged run on Canadian banks.  Freeland’s move to seize accounts has badly damaged trust in Canada’s banking system, once considered to be the most solid in the world.   As one commentator observed: “After all, people put their money into a bank for a reason: to keep it safe. If government bureaucrats can suddenly freeze your money because you gave a small donation to the “wrong” political cause, it creates an obvious incentive: take your money out and put it in a place where it is safer.”

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Do you trust the integrity of Canada’s banking system given the Freeland move to freeze and confiscate the bank accounts of individuals who donated to the Freedom Convoy?

Background information

Did Justin Trudeau’s Financial Crackdown Really Spark a Bank Run in Canada?   Foundation for Economic Education, February 19, 2022

BOOM, Trudeau Reversal Motive Surfaces – Canadian Banking Association Was Approved by World Economic Forum To Lead the Digital ID Creation

Conservative Treehouse, February 23, 2022

Canada’s justice minister threatens to seize ‘pro-Trump’ people’s bank accounts  February 17, 2022

Poll Question: February 16, 2022 to February 22, 2022

Ongoing Freedom Convoy trucker protests against vaccine mandates have led PM Justin Trudeau to place Canada under a form of martial law with his Emergency Measures Act announced February 14th.  Among a host of provisions severely limiting Canadian freedoms it makes crowd funding platforms and payment service providers subject to anti-money laundering and terrorist financing laws.  Banks have been asked to freeze accounts of people involved with this “illegal blockade”.  A hack of the crowd-funding site GiveSendGo on February 13th revealed the identities of 92,000 donors to the Freedom Convoy.  Technically bank accounts involving hundreds of thousands of Canadians are now at risk of forfeiture.

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Is Trudeau’s sweeping response to the trucker protest appropriate?

Background information

Ottawa’s Power to Freeze Protesters’ Bank Accounts Under Emergencies Act Sets Dangerous Precedent – Epoch Times, February 16, 2022

Poll Question: February 09, 2022 to February 15, 2022

The “Freedom Convoy” trucker protests have now closed critical border crossings in Ontario, including the Ambassador bridge which carries 25% of USA – Canada trade. This will effectively close the auto industry, among others, resulting in tens of thousands people being laid off. In retrospect PM Trudeau appears to have made a catastrophic strategic error.

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He needs to:

Background information:

Open Everything – The Atlantic Magazine, February 9, 2022

Poll Question: February 02, 2022 to February 08, 2022

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Thousands of truck drivers arrived enmasse in Ottawa last weekend to protest new mandatory vaccination requirements for truckers. What is your view of the truckers?

Background information:

PM Trudeau Feb 1 tweet

‘Lockdowns Had Little to No Effect on COVID Mortality’: New Johns Hopkins Study – Foundation for Economic Education, Feb 2, 2022

Poll Question: January 26, 2022 to February 01, 2022

In a recent Financial Post commentary, Jack Mintz, President’s Fellow, The School of Public Policy, University of Calgary observed how the most recent federal budget was “littered with inflationary new spending on child benefits, income supplements, green energy and housing subsidies, and an even bigger federal bureaucracy, despite its already having grown by a quarter in the past six years.”

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Ignoring the Covid related explosion of federal debt during the past two years, the size of the federal government:

Background information:

Jack M. Mintz: ‘Modern supply-side economics’ is same old, same old

Poll Question: January 19, 2022 to January 25, 2022

On January 15th, the Trudeau Government implemented a vaccine mandate on the trucking industry.  According to experts the requirement to vaccinate will cause many truckers to retire in an industry where a shortage of labour is impacting consumers with supply disruptions, goods shortages and higher prices.

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What do you think of this policy?

Background information:

Canadians will Pay the Price for the Liberals Playing Politics with Trucking – Calgary Herald, January 19, 2021

Shaping an Equitable, Inclusive and Sustainable Recovery: Acting Now for a Better Future – World Economic Forum, September 2021

Poll Question: January 12, 2022 to January 18, 2022

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The Ontario Government has confirmed that almost half of Covid hospitalizations in that province are incidental – meaning someone has tested positive but is in hospital for other reasons. Do you believe this overstating of covid hospitalizations was deliberate?

Poll Question: January 5, 2022 to January 11, 2022

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Compared to 2021, 2022 will be:

Poll Question: December 22, 2021 to December 28, 2021

The Great Barrington Declaration has been signed by over 900,000 people. Written by 3 medical professors (Harvard, Stanford, Oxford) it argues that the collateral damage from the Covid 19 lockdowns far exceed any benefits. It therefore, opposes lockdowns in favour of focused protection of vulnerable groups. This was the traditional approach to handling virus outbreaks prior to the so-called temporary lockdowns which began in March 2020 (i.e. just 14 days to flatten the curve).

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What is your opinion of the Great Barrington Declaration?

Background information –

–       The Great Barrington Declaration

–       Wall Street Journal, December 21, 2021 – How Fauci and Collins Shut Down Covid Debate

–       Epoch Times, December 21, 2021- New emails reveal evidence of government efforts to suppress free speech

Poll Question: December 15, 2021 to December 21, 2021

Climate change activists are pressuring banks and financial institutions to stop lending to oil and gas companies in order to hobble their ability to produce conventional energies as part of broader Net Zero plans.  In response 16 American states have announced plans to end all business with financial institutions engaged in “harmful fossil fuel industry boycotts.”   Similar actions to persuade banks and the investor community to boycott Canadian hydrocarbon producers are underway in Canada which will punish energy provinces like Alberta and Saskatchewan.

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In your view:

Background notes – Wall Street Journal – Kerry’s Crusade Against Oil and Gas December 15, 2021

Poll Question: December 8, 2021 to December 14, 2021

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In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, entrepreneur Elon Musk suggested that government was a poor allocator of capital and it should simply get out of the way.

Poll Question: December 1, 2021 to December 7, 2021

The chair of the South African Medical Association describes the Omicron variant “as a fast spreading virus with mostly mild symptoms for the majority of people who catch it that would be a useful step to herd immunity.” Several countries have reacted to the latest variant with travel bans, extra testing and other measures.

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Canada’s response should:

Poll Question: November 24, 2021 to November 30, 2021

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According to many pundits rising inflation is a “transitory” phenomena.

Poll Question: November 17, 2021 to November 23, 2021

There are increasing calls by some bankers, politicians and bureaucrats for businesses to apply ESG (environmental, social, governance) principles into their business and investing strategies. ESG encourages business to incorporate progressive green, climate change/ diversity policies into their operations.

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What do you think of the general concept of ESG investing?

Poll Question: November 10, 2021 to November 16, 2021

The Republican candidate won the Virginia Governor’s election last week. A big factor was parental pushback against “critical race theory” in Virginia schools and the Democratic candidate’s comment that parents should have no involvement in their school’s curriculum.

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Do you think this issue will gain traction in Canada?

Poll Question: November 3, 2021 to November 9, 2021

The climate change summit in Scotland being held Oct 31 to Nov 12 2021 will attract almost 30,000 attendees including global politicians and state leaders.  Of the Group of 7 nations, Canada sent the largest delegation of officials and politicians – 293.   In declining order this was followed by the UK (227), Japan (225), France (195), the USA (133), Germany (120) and Italy (66).

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Sending the largest delegation is:

Poll Question: October 27, 2021 to November 2, 2021

In a recent referendum 62% of Albertans voted in favour of seeing the principle of equalization removed from the constitution.  Proponents of equalization argue it is only fair that rich provinces help out poorer provinces in order to provide similar service levels across the country. Critics of equalization point out that the policy artificially enlarges the size of government in recipient provinces and gives them perverse incentives to not develop their economies (Nova Scotia and Quebec, for example, ban natural gas fracking which would provide new revenue sources).

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Regarding equalization:

Poll Question: October 20, 2021 to October 26, 2021

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Do you agree or disagree with this statement: “When they say they’ll only tax the rich, they’re lying?

Poll Question: October 13, 2021 to October 19, 2021

The Government of Canada has committed to moving to net-zero emissions by 2050 as part of a broader UN plan to fight human caused climate change.  It means ending all hydro-carbon energies including coal, natural gas, oil.  Europe, which has travelled farther down this net zero road is facing a dangerous energy shortage going into the winter because its renewable power (wind and solar) is failing to provide sufficient, reliable power.

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Do you agree that Canada should phase out hydrocarbons and rely more on solar and wind?

Poll Question: October 6, 2021 to October 13, 2021

Should parents have control over what their children are taught in the classroom in government run schools?

Poll Question: September 29, 2021 to October 5, 2021

Government policies designed to prevent urban sprawl and promote densification by restricting available lands for building housing have dramatically inflated house prices. The best way to improve housing affordability is:

Poll Question: September 23, 2021 to September 28, 2021

Do you know that the average age of Canadians who died of COVID-19 in 2020 was 83.8 years which is higher than the average age at death in Canada in 2019 - 79.5 years?

Poll Question: September 15, 2021 to September 22, 2021

Given this federal election campaign are you optimistic about the future of Canada?

Poll Question: September 8, 2021 to September 15, 2021

Prominent Harvard Epidemiologist Martin Kulldorf, an avid proponent of vaccines, recently said in an interview that “vaccine fanatics” pushing vaccine mandates and passports are doing far more damage to vaccine confidence than rabid anti-vaxxers.

Epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff on the COVID ‘Public Health Fiasco

Poll Question: September 1, 2021 to September 7, 2021

A new journal article by New York’s Manhattan Institute, examining 14 studies of the effectiveness of face masks concludes that face masks are not effective in preventing transmission of respiratory viruses like Covid 19. Yet various public health authorities have begun re-instituting face mask mandates in public settings and schools.

“In sum, of the 14 RCTs that have tested the effectiveness of masks in preventing the transmission of respiratory viruses, three suggest, but do not provide any statistically significant evidence in intention-to-treat analysis, that masks might be useful. The other eleven suggest that masks are either useless—whether compared with no masks or because they appear not to add to good hand hygiene alone—or actually counterproductive.” –

Do Masks Work? A review of the evidence

By Jeffrey H. Anderson

August 11, 2021

Poll Question: August 25, 2021 to August 31, 2021

The Canada Health Act restricts the provinces from developing innovative delivery solutions to our growing health care crisis. Should the Federal Health Care Transfers come with less strings attached allowing more innovation or is it best to protect the status quo and limit innovation in health care delivery?

Poll Question: August 18, 2021 to August 24, 2021

Which do you believe is the most effective way to grow the economy – more government spending or tax cuts?

Poll Question: August 11, 2021 to August 17, 2021

Should an inquiry be held into government’s decision to lockdown economies in response to Covid 19?

Poll Question: August 4, 2021 to August 11, 2021

Are you confident about the economic future of Canada?

Poll Question: July 28, 2021 to August 3, 2021

Do you think today’s politicians are leading or following public opinion?

Poll Question: July 21, 2021 to July 27, 2021

Do you believe the present federal government is taking Canada down the path of unity or division?

Poll Question: July 14, 2021 to July 21, 2021

Both Alberta and Saskatchewan have rejected vaccine passports. For Manitoba and other lockdown provinces this:


Poll Question: July 7, 2021 to July 14, 2021

Green activists are pushing governments to ban natural gas heating to reduce carbon dioxide emissions which they believe causes global warming. Good or bad idea?


Poll Question: June 30, 2021 to July 7, 2021

Do you think the federal government’s new “anti-hate” Bill C36 will turbo charge cancel culture?

Poll Question: June 23, 2021 to June 30, 2021

While our American neighbours have ended all lockdowns, Canada remains mired in them. The media’s role in this is…

Poll Question: June 16, 2021 to June 23, 2021

Last week Manitoba’s Pallister Government arrested, then jailed federal politician and former Conservative Cabinet Minister Max Bernier after he met with 8 people, contravening a Covid health order barring meetings exceeding 5 people:

Poll Question: June 9, 2021 to June 16, 2021

Do you agree with the new national holiday called the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation just proclaimed which will occur every September 30 across Canada?

Poll Question: June 3, 2021 to June 9, 2021

Do you believe the 215 graves recently discovered close of the Kamloops Indian Residential School contain the bodies of murdered Indigenous children?

Poll Question: May 26, 2021 to June 2, 2021

see: Bill C-10

Are you a supporter or critic of Bill C-10?

Poll Question: May 19, 2021 to May 25, 2021

PM Trudeau says Quebec can unilaterally modify Canada’s constitution. Should other provinces have the same right?

Source – https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/canada/quebec-can-modify-part-of-the-canadian-constitution-unilaterally-trudeau-574445582.html

Poll Question: May 12, 2021 to May 18, 2021

Michigan’s Governor is trying to close down a pipeline that supplies petroleum products to Canada, resulting in major shortages and price spikes for Ontario and Quebec. Does this reinforce the case for the Energy East pipeline that Quebec opposed?

Poll Question: May 5, 2021 to May 12, 2021

see:    www.cdc.govhttps://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/how-democrats-and-republicans-can-come-together-on-vaccines_3753804.htmlCDC Says Only 6% Of COVID-19 Deaths Were Caused By Virus Alone (freedomwire.com)

The vast majority of Covid deaths are severely ill seniors with 3 co-morbidities (cancer, alzheimers, diabetes etc.). Are you aware that only 6% of officially recorded Covid 19 deaths are due solely to Covid 19 alone?


Poll Question: April 28, 2021 to May 5, 2021

see: ineffectiveness‘ and harms of lockdowns

Given the enormous fiscal and social damage caused by the lockdowns implemented without proper cost analysis by Canadian governments, should those responsible face consequences, including going to jail?


Poll Question: April 21, 2021 – April 28, 2021

see: luxury tax 2021 federal budget  and  Canadian wealth tax – perhaps not

According to Abacus Data "A wealth tax is popular in Canada. It’s favoured by most supporters of all five main federal parties." Do you agree?

Poll Question: April 14, 2021 – April 21, 2021

see: Reported side effects following COVID-19 vaccination

Are you concerned about the potential side effects from taking a COVID-19 Vaccination?

Poll Question: April 7, 2021 – April 14, 2021

see:  Bill C-7

Do you believe in the MAID legislation (medical assistance in dying)?

Poll Question: March 31, 2021 – April 7, 2021

see: WHO investigation and Wuhan Lab

Where did COVID come from?

Poll Question: March 24, 2021 – March 31, 2021

see: remarks from Amir Attaran

Should Ottawa professor Amir Attaran be fired for engaging in Quebec bashing?

Poll Question: March 17, 2021 – March 24, 2021

see: Different COVID-19 Vaccines?

Should people be allowed to choose a vaccine based on moral and/or ethical difference between vaccines that uses stem cell lines for production, testing and/or in development?

Poll Question: March 10, 2021 – March 17, 2021

see: Canada discusses vaccine passports

Do you support the idea of vaccine passports?

Poll Question: March 4, 2021 – March 10, 2021

Is being forced into a mandatory quarantine hotel, government overreach?

Poll Question: February 24, 2021 to March 4, 2021

Being monitored and fined by COVID bylaw officers is government overreach.

Poll Question: February 17, 2021 to February 24, 2021

Examples may include: all-expense paid trips to conventions for faculty and/or administration, faculty members filing fraudulent expense reports to the university for reimbursement, Deans and chairpersons creating phony positions (e.g., “assistant dean for retention”) and then hire friends and relatives into them, Instructors order (free) desk copies of books from publishers under the guise of considering them for adoption as a textbook then sell them online, Faculty members developing software/other products with university research funds, and then sell the products through their own private companies, Foreign-born faculty issue admissions to relatives to come to for graduate studies, offering them assistantships and tuition waivers over other more qualified students, Department heads use department funds to purchase goods and services for their personal use.
The continual lack of transparency and accountable institutional governance by Canadian Universities should be immediately investigated by all provincial governments?

Poll Question: February 10, 2021 to February 17, 2021

see: Canadian Universities FLUNK the 2020 Campus Freedom Index

Universities that allow deplatforming and free speech censorship should be "defunded" by government.

Poll Question: February 3, 2021 to February 10, 2021

Do you think mismanaged and/or bankrupt universities should receive government bailouts?

Poll Question: January 27, 2021 – February 3, 2021

Have you as a voter, lost confidence in your provincial and federal politicians?


Poll Question: January 20, 2021 – January 27, 2021

see the Pfizer-Biontech Covid-19 Vaccine – Patient Medication Information

In order to provide 'partial' immunity to as many as possible, do you agree with the government ignoring the recommended dosing schedules prescribed by vaccine manufacturers?

Poll Question: January 13, 2021 – January 20, 2021

see the Election Recall Act (click here)

Do you think the Alberta government should pass their "already drafted" "Recall legislation"?

Poll Question: January 6, 2021 – January 13, 2021

Due to the disregard for their own COVID rules, should politicians hold an emergency session and pass "Recall Legislation"?

Poll Question: December 30, 2020 – January 6, 2021

As Canadians were forced to spend Christmas alone. Do you think politicians who violated their own rules should:

Poll Question: December 23, 2020 – December 30, 2020

Have the Christmas lockdown measures and handling of the Pandemic caused you to rethink your political support of your elected official?

Poll Question: December 16, 2020 – December 23, 2020


more info: A novel Strain of COVID-19

With VUI-202012/01 (a new strain of Covid-19) breaking out across the UK. Do you believe governments should handle this new breakout similar to the way they handled Covid-19?

Poll Question: December 9, 2020 – December 16, 2020

Do you believe that governments should have the right to regulate who you have in your home?

Poll Question: December 2, 2020 – December 9, 2020

Do you support the federal government's plan to tax foreign homeowners who live outside of Canada as part of a plan to lower housing prices in Canada?

Poll Question: November 25, 2020 – December 2, 2020

Closed Hanged on Door
Do you believe the government's shut down measures work to flatten the curve?

Poll Question: November 18, 2020 – November 25, 2020

Should reporters (personally), media companies, and social media companies be liable for defamation of political candidates?

Poll Question: November 12, 2020 – November 18, 2020

Are you afraid to express your political beliefs due to the systemic 'cancel culture' in Canada?

Poll Question: November 4, 2020 – November 11, 2020

Which U.S. President will be the most beneficial for Canada?

Poll Question: October 28 – November 4, 2020

Do you support the National Trade Corridors Fund Project: Air logistics and industrial hub project at Montreal Mirabel Airport?

Poll Question: October 21 – October 28, 2020

Previous polls indicate priority should be balanced budgets with NO tax increases, NO expansion of money supply. A remaining option is spending cuts. Which area should the federal government trim?

Poll Question: October 15 – October 22, 2020

Do you agree with Modern Monetary Theory? (Government spending can be paid for by the creation of money. Spending shouldn't be determined by deficit levels, but by keeping the economy at full employment and a reasonable level of inflation).

Poll Question: October 8 – October 15, 2020

Which tax increase do you most support?

Poll Question: October 1 – October 8, 2020

Should CERB be transformed into a universal income program?

Poll Question: September 25 – October 2, 2020

Do you support a national pharmacare program?

Interesting related reading:

Poll Question: September 18 – September 25, 2020

Canada has been labelled "a contributor to the War (in Yemen)" by labour and arms-control groups calling for stopping exports of Canadian arms to Saudi Arabia. Do you agree?

interesting related read: CCC Hopes Foreign Governments Will Be Squared Away

Poll Question: September 11 – September 18, 2020

Do you support Canadian Universities paying professors while they strike for social issues?

Poll Question: September 4 – September 11, 2020

What should top the list in the federal government's recovery plan?

Poll Question: August 28 – September 4, 2020

On Aug. 26, Carolyn Wilkins, senior deputy governor at the Bank of Canada said that Canadians are losing faith in the CPI and in the central bank’s assurances that inflation is under control. Do you agree?

Poll Question: August 21-August 28

Do you support the adoption of 5G technology?

Poll Question: August 14-August 21

What would you like to see: (a) the resignation of the Prime Minister, Finance Minister, and the PM's chief of staff over the WE scandal; or (b) an election.

Poll Question: August 7-August 14

Do you think social media has improved your life?

Poll Question: July 30-August 6

Do you support the idea of mandatory vaccinations?

Poll Question: July 24-July 31, 2020

Given the allegations of abuse, should the Governor General be removed from office?

Poll Question: July 17-July 24, 2020

Do you agree with the Jordan decision? (Regardless of the crime, if there is no trial after 18 months (Provincial Court) and 30 months (Superior Court) the accused maybe set free)

Poll Question: July 9-July 16, 2020

How concerned are you about the $343B Canadian deficit?

Poll Question: July 3-July 9, 2020

Do you support mandatory mask-wearing?

Poll Question: June 26-July 2, 2020

Open Letter-to-Prime-Minister

Do you agree with the federal government's decision to ignore the open letter request to end the Meng extradition proceedings and release Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou?

Poll Question: June 19-June 25, 2020

Mr. Alain Therrien, M.P.

Do think NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh has the --right to label-- Bloc Québécois MP Alain Therrien a racist in the House of Commons?

Poll Question: June 11-June 18, 2020

Recently, a Victoria Councillor "... suggest that police departments should be abolished and replaced with alternative structures." Which structure do you consider the most viable option to replace current police departments? (The following are popular mainstream media solutions.)

Poll Question: June 4-June 11, 2020

Sacred or not, CLICK HERE to see how much some are they worth?

To help pay for the COVID-19 spending, do think federal/provincial governments should privatize (sell-off) crown corporations? If so, which one(s)?

Poll Question: May 29-June 4, 2020

see the Organizational Structure of the Ministry of Long-Term Care

Long-Term Care Operations in Ontario are the responsibility of the Ministry of Long-Term Care. Who should be held responsible for failing to do their duty?

Poll Question: May 22-May 29, 2020

What is most concerning to you?

Poll Question: May 15-May 22, 2020

To maintain independence from political pressure, Canadian Think Tanks should NOT be funded by government?

Poll Question: May 8-May 15, 2020

Do you believe Canada needs public policy think tanks, like the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, more now than ever before?

Poll Question: April 30-May 7, 2020

Do you believe Canada's COVID-19 response was driven by social media and mainstream media?

Poll Question: April 23-April 30, 2020

"... close to half of the deaths that we’re tracking are linked to long-term care facilities,” - Dr. Theresa Tam. Should Canada nationalize private care homes?

Poll Question: April 15 – April 23, 2020

Without US funding to the World Health Organization (WHO), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation becomes the largest contributor at $367.7M. Should there be non-governmental funding limits to the United Nations and its agencies, like the WHO?

Poll Question: April 8 – April 15, 2020

Do you think Provincial and Federal governments are handling this crisis appropriately?

Poll Question: April 2 – April 8, 2020

Should federal government enact the Emergencies Measures Act?

Poll Question: March 27- April 2, 2020

Should federal, provincial, and municipal governments use cell phones to monitor Canadians to enforce quarantine measures?

Poll Question:  March 20-26, 2020

Should Canada Impose a National Lockdown?