A quick Internet search for stories about Canada’s Indian Residential Schools would only yield negative ones. Accounts from self-proclaimed “survivors”—an inflammatory label deliberately selected to make former students seem like Holocaust survivors—include reports...
On National Indigenous Peoples Day, What Needed Celebration Was No Genocide And No Missing Children
Backgrounder 138
Why We Should Be Skeptical Of The Hydrogen Economy
At first glance, using highly variable, intermittent, inexpensive renewable energy to produce hydrogen for energy supply stabilization seems logical. However, renewable energy is not always readily available. The concept of hydrogen as a ‘buffer,’ akin to a battery,...
Residential School Recrimination, Repentance, and Reality
Allegations of widespread abuse against children who were said to have been forced to attend Canada’s Indian Residential Schools were uncommon before the last of them was shuttered in 1996. That was the year the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples...
Featured News
Canadian Property Rights Index 2023
A Snapshot of Property Rights Protection in Canada After 10 years
Alberta Politics and Empty Promises of Health-care Solutions
The writ has been dropped and Albertans are off to the polls on May 29. That leaves just four weeks for political leaders and voters to sort out what is arguably the most divisive, yet significant, issue for this election - health care. On Day 2, NDP leader Rachel...
ESG And The New Eco-Colonialism
ESG investing standards have become all the rage around the world. Big institutional investors and pension funds now race to outdo their competitors in meeting nebulous and politically charged criteria. ESG—which stands for Environment, Social, and Governance—asks...
The Deadly Fruits Of Climate Change Alarmism
The Looming Eco-Extremist Threat And Why We Must Stop Ignoring It
Twelve Years Of Labour In Alberta: A Tale Of Three Political Eras
Manitoba’s Larger Public Sector
Manitoba public sector still much larger than Canadian average
One U.S. Court Battle Could Reshape The North American Energy Economy
“If every locality traversed by an existing or proposed pipeline project were empowered to enact similar ordinances to prevent the operation of that pipeline through its boundaries, pipeline commerce could come to a halt.” – Lawyers for the Portland pipeline operator
Backgrounder: An Introduction to the CPRI
Calgary City Council: Reimagining the CBD
In a previous post, I commented on the difficulties faced by the Calgary CBD (downtown), with its huge office vacancies resulting from the mid-decade oil bust, along with the rise of remote and hybrid working accelerated by the pandemic. Calgary (metropolitan area...
Manitoba’s Public Sector Swells While the Private Economy Dwindles
Executive Summary Since 2015 Manitoba has restrained the growth in provincial government administration to a relatively modest 7.9 percent, which is slightly below the growth in the population. Restraint at the provincial level has allowed Manitoba to do slightly...
Suburbanizing Canada: 2021 Census
Canada continues to move to the suburbs, as the 2021 census data shows. This is based on a Statistics Canada analysis on metropolitan (Census Metropolitan Areas, or CMAs) population and change since the 2016 Census. Statistics Canada (Statscan) divides the CMA...