The Frontier Centre for Public Policy challenges conventional thinking and even popular opinion about important issues of public policy. This stimulation to public discussion and debate is a critical public service to an improving society. It deserves hearty applause.
The Frontier Centre is a fantastic forum to discuss innovative policy options, a critical ingredient in sound public policy and forward-looking government.
David Seymour, director of the Frontier Center for Public Policy (Saskatchewan office), has written an important paper that should help frame the debate on tax policy for all of Canada’s provinces. “Five Single Rate Tax Thoughts,” presents a compelling case that Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, and the other provinces would benefit from enacting a low flat tax that has given Alberta the best investment and work climate in Canada.
More good stuff! Please keep it up. It is very important. You are helping to change the paradigm. …
I’m very impressed by the work of your centre. Keep up the good work…
David Seymour, director of the Frontier Center for Public Policy (Saskatchewan office), has written an important paper that should help frame the debate on tax policy for all of Canada’s provinces. “Five Single Rate Tax Thoughts,” presents a compelling case that Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, and the other provinces would benefit from enacting a low flat tax that has given Alberta the best investment and work climate in Canada.
Innovation in public policy is the one area in which Manitoba could create a sustainable competitive edge that would set us apart from others and create economic growth and social development unparalleled anywhere else in Canada. The Frontier Centre is at the forefront of the issues we need to examine.
Frontier is provocative but rigorous in its analysis of public policy issues.
Over the last decade, the Frontier Centre has grown into a sturdy Manitoba Maple, with solid branches reaching into every major area of public policy research and advocacy and did it without taking a nickel in government money. Everyone associated with the organization should be proud of what you have accomplished. Frontier’s ongoing contribution to serious, informed public policy debate in Canada has been outstanding.
I truly believe that the Frontier Centre, with a larger budget, could have a huge impact on Manitoba politics in the next few years. It has a rare ability to get policy makers to pay attention to its ideas.
I was very impressed with the caliber of the speaker as well as the array of well-recognized civic opinion leaders in attendance.