Strong and Free is Morton’s autobiography, and a classic study of Alberta politics. Once a generation or so, a book re-sets the agenda on understanding Alberta politics. The first of these was C.B. Macpherson’s 1953 volume, Democracy in Alberta; the second was...
Book Review
Nowhere Near The Truth
This new book of memoirs promotes serial falsehoods
The Great Canadian Hoax Exposed
Book Review – Colin Alexander – Grave Error: How the Media Misled Us (and the Truth about Residential Schools) (2 of 2)
The Betrayal of Canadians by Their Elites
Book Review – Peter Best – Grave Error: How the Media Misled Us (and the Truth about Residential Schools) (1 of 2)
Featured News
Canadian Property Rights Index 2023
A Snapshot of Property Rights Protection in Canada After 10 years
Alberta Politics and Empty Promises of Health-care Solutions
The writ has been dropped and Albertans are off to the polls on May 29. That leaves just four weeks for political leaders and voters to sort out what is arguably the most divisive, yet significant, issue for this election - health care. On Day 2, NDP leader Rachel...
Canadian Author T.K. Kanwar Defends the Virtues of American Liberty
Books matter! Literature can influence the course of a nation’s history. The world will long remember Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn for exposing the tyranny of 20th century Bolshevism. In novels like “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich,” “Cancer Ward,” and “In the First...
Masterful COVID Guide Book for Policy Makers
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Political Science as Public Service
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Nickson: On Climate Uncertainty and Risk by Judith Curry
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There Was Not One, But Three Pandemics
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COVID-19 Policies Undermined Trust in Key Institutions
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A Canary In A Coal Mine Is A Warning Sign
Book Review: CANARY in a COVID WORLD: How Propaganda and Censorship Changed Our (My) World – 1 of 3
A Review of: Lonely Death of an Ojibway Boy by Robert MacBain
What should reasonable people do when schoolchildren are told things that are untrue about Canadian history?
Book Review – The 1867 Project
Book Review – Symposium – Reviewing The 1867 Project (3 of 3)