Kris Kowal

Should Canada Allow Non-citizens into its Military?

Should Canada Allow Non-citizens into its Military?

Canada now allows for non-Citizens to now be in our armed forces. The Brits have entire regiments made up of Nepalese called Gurkhas. The French, on the other hands, prevent their citizens from joining the French Foreign Legion. The USA has always allowed this, but we...

Why Are Canadian Home Prices So High?

Why Are Canadian Home Prices So High?

In the last 8 years, we have seen home costs double across Canada. There are many reasons for the rise in prices and it is difficult to connect the increases to just one particular reason. In your opinion how would you rank the reasons listed below as the main causes...

Global warming or a bonspiel thaw?

Global warming or a bonspiel thaw?

The Canadian prairies are experiencing unusually warm weather, well above seasonal average.  Many people point to climate change as the reason for this.  What is interesting is that the Canadian Prairies often go through a warming period starting in mid-January, and...

Featured News

Traditional Teaching is not Obsolete

Artificial intelligence has come a long way. Unlike the rudimentary software of the past, modern-day programs such as ChatGPT are truly impressive. Whether you need a 1,000-word essay summarizing the history of Manitoba, a 500-word article extolling the virtues of...

Should we collect more race-based data on crime?

Should we collect more race-based data on crime?

The Canadian Justice system has been repeatedly accused of being racist, with much higher incarceration rates for our First Nations and Black citizens than of Whites and Asians.  In the USA, they capture data on the race of those charged with crimes, victims, as well...

Why Is Our Standard of Living Falling?

Why Is Our Standard of Living Falling?

Background – Posthaste: Canada's standard of living is falling behind the rest of the developed world, National Post, July 17, 2023 Mind the Gap – Canada is Falling Behind the Standard of Living Curve, TD Bank Report, July 13, 2023   Click...

Are women over represented in the federal civil service?

Are women over represented in the federal civil service?

Unlike the USA, where Affirmative Action is not guaranteed, the Canadian Charter specifically mentions that Affirmative Action can be used in hiring situations where designated groups, such as women, are underrepresented (called Equity Points).  This has led to a...

Leaders on the Frontier – Can We Really Erase History? With Gerry Bowler

Leaders on the Frontier – Can We Really Erase History? With Gerry Bowler

Where does this toxic ideology of wanting to re-write history to atone for the sins of the past come from? Does anything truly matter when the narrative is more important than truth? Gerry Bowler and host David Leis discuss the value of a collective history and the great dangers in ignoring, erasing and revising history the way revolutionary movements desire to do, noting the ways this is prevalent in Canada today.

How will you be celebrating Canada Day?

How will you be celebrating Canada Day?

On July 1, Canadians celebrate Canada Day!  As Canadians we are proud to live in such a beautiful, prosperous, tolerant nation. Canada welcomed newcomers from an around the world in search of a better future.     Click below to view last...

Too Many or Too Few Immigrants?

Too Many or Too Few Immigrants?

Canada is the second largest country in the world, but with only 40 million people. Under the Liberals, we have seen unprecedented growth in immigration, with a stated goal of bringing in 500,000 immigrants per year. Canada has a history of being perhaps the most...