Michael Zwaagstra

Michael Zwaagstra is a senior fellow at the Frontier Centre and public high school teacher. He received his Bachelor of Education and Master of Education from the University of Manitoba and Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Liberty University in Virginia. He is the author of A Sage on the Stage: Common Sense Reflections on Teaching and Learning, and co-author of What’s Wrong with Our Schools and How We Can Fix Them. He is a frequent author of education policy research and newspaper columns across Canada. His research mainly focuses on curricula, teaching instruction and public education. Michael’s research and commentary have been featured in radio, television and newspapers across the country. Michael lives with his wife and children in Steinbach, Manitoba.

Research by Michael Zwaagstra

Upcoming Trustee Elections are Important

Upcoming Trustee Elections are Important

Trustee elections take place later this month. While some candidates have already been acclaimed, voters in other parts of the province have quite a few candidates to choose from. We should not take this election for granted. At this time last year, it looked like...

Pushing Woke Ideology in Schools

Pushing Woke Ideology in Schools

If you’ve been around for a while, you probably remember the phrase “politically correct.” Being called politically correct was not a compliment. Rather, it meant that you had an unhealthy obsession with not offending anyone, even if you had to say some rather silly...

Featured News

Canadians on the Move, to Smaller Communities

The Canadian Dream is increasingly being realized in smaller areas   For decades, Canadians moved to the larger cities (census metropolitan areas, or CMAs) with their economic opportunities. The latest estimates indicate that CMAs have 72 per cent of the nation’s...

Leadership Needed in Canadian Healthcare; Apply Within

When the Premiers were first called to a sit-down lunch to talk about healthcare with Prime Minister Trudeau, there was plenty of talk about the potential for systemic change, innovation and accountability. It seemed that Canadians and their leaders were finally on...

Teacher Expertise Really Does Matter

Teacher Expertise Really Does Matter

“Teachers – don’t worry if you don’t have the knowledge or skill set. You are the lead learner. Inquire not lecture.” This was an actual tweet from a prominent education guru. Sadly, this message is far from isolated. There is a common belief in education circles that...

Michael Zwaagstra is an educator, an author and a regular contributor to the work of the Frontier Institute. He's coming to researchED Ontario to talk about his belief that the importance of content knowledge cannot be underestimated when it comes to learning at all...