Municipal Government

City politicians focus on utopian visions while citizens just want simple things, like passable roads

It’s the new urban blight. Across the country, city governments are in varying states of disarray, if not chaos. The range is wide, from the badly governed fiasco in Toronto to outright corruption in Montreal and boondoggle-prone governments in Vancouver, Calgary and other Western cities. Taxes are rising, spending is soaring, but roads are crumbling and the basics often ignored.

Featured News

Propaganda Rules the World

One of the greatest books that explain how the world works is Propaganda by Edward Bernays. The man dubbed “the father of public relations” applied the psychological ideas of his uncle Sigmund Freud upon the masses, triggering their basic motivations to the benefit of...

Media Release – Pulling Back the Curtain : How Transparent are Regina and Saskatoon?

The municipal governments of Regina and Saskatoon report their performances far less often than do other cities cited in this report. As a rule, neither city discloses its performance as extensively as other cities do. There are exceptions as noted and where due. Regina has measured increased numbers for sporting and cultural activities resulting from its online registration option. Saskatoon measured the increase in fines paid because of its COPE program.

Media Release – Municipal Land-Grabbing Powers Should be Curtailed

”This example demonstrates the need for clear legislative reform for individual property owners who find themselves in similar situations. A process to allow municipalities to expropriate for dubious economic development purposes also exists in other provinces and in jurisdictions outside Canada. However, there are encouraging signs in that many jurisdictions, particularly in the United States, have taken proactive steps to prevent this abuse of individual property rights; as such, they provide a model for Canadian provinces.”