
Incredible Drivel

Your pet is causing global warming In this morning's Winnipeg Free Press: Fido's Footprint - Pets are a growing part of the climate change conundrum

Costs and Benefits

The Province's majority NDP government has released another media  release praising its plans and actions "to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and become better able to withstand climate  change". Publius wonders if the Province's taxpayers, ratepayers and...

Are Eco Terrorists Back?

News of traps on nature trails in the British Columbia woods bring back memories of previous eco-terrorist violence in North America. But they also bring something new. Radical environmentalists Earth First! (EF!) once sabotaged ski resorts and attempted to sabotage a...

Featured News

What Is A University Student?

As a result of government and university policies in both the U.S. and Canada, university students are not seen as individuals with records of educational achievement and the potential for both success in higher education and for contributions beyond in the wider...

Where’s Global Warming?

But considering how much attention would have been lavished on a comparable run of hot weather or on a warming trend that was plainly accelerating, shouldn’t the recent cold phenomena and the absence of any global warming during the past 10 years be getting a little more notice? Isn’t it possible that the most apocalyptic voices of global-warming alarmism might not be the only ones worth listening to?

Controlling Carbon a Bureaucrat’s Dream

“I hold little hope for accountability of those bureaucrats who have used their position to block the scientific method, disseminate bad information, and convince politicians to take wrong positions from which they produce wrong legislation. They will take their wonderful indexed pensions and walk out leaving the public to pick up the pieces and pay the bill.”

Natural Global Warmings Have Become More Moderate

As the earth cools, the U.S. will use our new natural gas surplus instead of biofuels, carbon taxes will die and the deliberate disruption of the economy will be stifled. Further warming 40 years from now will be too mild and erratic to renew public panic. Environmental assessments will become more realistic—and useful.

It’s The Sun, Stupid!

The UN’s climate panel claims there is scientific “consensus” that man-made CO2 emissions are causing “dangerous” climate change. However, its 2007 Climate Assessment is fraught with serious scientific shortcomings in its discussion of the Sun’s influence on Earth’s climate.

Investment Managers Liable as Greenhouse Theories Unravel?

Has climate change frenzy created a colussus built on sand? There is a diversity of risk analyses being carried out by investors in today’s climate change market place. Practically without exception, all of these organizations, many of them among the most successful and respected in the world, completely ignore the risk that the very foundation of all of these activities might be shown to be faulty.

Truth and Reality Exiting Stage Left

“When we remember that we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.” Mark Twain’s comment helps me understand the absolute contradictions presented as truth, sense and reality. Consider just a short list: Warming is causing global cooling. The...

The Dirty Truth

Carbon capture and storage, as these schemes are known, is misguided environmentally, economically, and in the long term, politically too. Carbon capture has only one virtue: It solves short term political problems for both leaders.