
Oil Prices and the Canadian Economy

Back in 2010, soaring oil prices and the accompanying appreciation of the Canadian dollar was perceived by some to be a major problem for the Canadian manufacturing sector. People argued that our economy suffered from a “resource curse”- a phenomenon where...

Anti-energy campaigns harming countries

It is obvious that civilization would not be possible without the mineral and energy resources mined and extracted from the Earth. Yet there is a growing movement to oppose nearly all such activities. Even though 86% of the world’s energy supply, including 98%...

Featured News

Falling Immigration, a Troubling Signal

Manitoba shows no sign that its policies will be able to maintain the working population, while, over time, returning to annual balanced budgets and cutting taxes to keep the private sector that is here now. This dismal prediction is partially drawn by observing the...

Speaker Attacks Sacred Cows

Vaclav Smil has spent a 35-year career establishing a reputation as a world-renowned energy expert from his office at the University of Manitoba but he could easily ditch the halls of academia and go on tour as The Energy Comic. Smil had the normally sombre crowd who...

Regulated Gas a Pain for Manitobans

In an effort to shield consumers from fluctuating natural gas prices, the Manitoba Public Utilities Board has inadvertently created a trap for householders that could add as much as $10 million to the gas bills of consumers. For many years, the PUB has focused its...

The Meaning of Ralph

If Ralph Klein were a tradable commodity, you might notice something peculiar about it. When the price of oil was low, the price of Ralph would be high. But the reverse would also be true; when oil prices soared, the demand for Ralph would fall. What explains this...