
What the Frac is Fracking?

Environmentalists frequently raise alarms about fracking, and Canadians should be given more information about the process. There are naturally-occurring fractures, but often rock formations are too impermeable to allow oil and gas to be extracted. A fracking fluid is...

Who would buy Manitoba Hydro?

As the next election approaches, Manitoba's NDP government will likely try to scare the public by trotting out its favourite hoary old political chestnut -- privatization. The NDP will increasingly accuse the opposition of "dark plans" to privatize Manitoba Hydro,...

The politicization of the Arctic

Canada’s Arctic claims continue to be a prominent aspect of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s policy agenda. Recent announcements, further technological investment, and emphasis on Arctic affairs in the government’s Throne Speech all speak to the fact that, since taking...

What the Frac is Fracking?

The word “fracking” sends chills down some people’s spines and even causes hysteria in some environmental activist circles. But not many people are informed about what fracking actually entails. The oil industry needs to communicate to the public what fracking means...

Featured News

Bezmenov: USSR Then, China Now

If Canadians believe the threat of a Communist superpower expired decades ago, they’re wrong. The Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics (USSR) may be long dead, but the Chinese dragon is alive and well. In 1970, KGB disinformation agent Yuri Bezmenov defected from the...

Time for Public Sector Adjustment

Brian Pallister likely knows that his time as Premier of Manitoba, now still leading a solid majority government, is coming to an end.  Fortunately for Pallister, his party and Manitoba, if he retires soon, by bringing in a new PC leader he could be remembered for...

Power to consumers, not monopolies

As usual, consumers will pay the tab for the great blackout of 2003. Utilities and regulators will face no penalties for the fiasco. Genuine accountability exists in England, where companies must pay consumers direct cash if they incur service failures. Power outages have dropped by two-thirds.

Power to the people

Vernon Smith Wall Street Journal October 18, 2002 This week, Standard and Poors reported that the U.S. electric power industry is staggering under the worst credit crunch it has seen since the Depression. Billions of dollars of debt will have to be refinanced soon and...

Power to the people

Lawrence Solomon National Post September 18, 2002 Rooftop power plants are sprouting in California, a state that has suffered from volatile power costs and electricity shortages, and before the end of the year, they'll be sprouting in New York and New Jersey. By the...