
Perverse, Conflicted Ethical Systems

Perverse, Conflicted Ethical Systems

Third Reich Forest Minister Hermann Goering was an avid hiker and ecologist who once sent a man to a concentration camp for cutting up a frog for fish bait. In 1933 he and other Nazi Party leaders enacted anti-vivisection laws to stop what he called “unbearable...

Featured News

17 Reasons to be Cheerful

April’s Reader’s Digest carries an article based on excerpts from my book and an interview with me: “The world has never been a better place to live in,” says science writer Matt Ridley, “and it will keep on getting better.”

Manure Management News

Harry Siemens reports on manure management research in Manitoba. “I would say the biggest thing is the phosphorus removal,” says Grieger. “We’ve seen removal rates up to 50 to 60 percent phosphorus with different technologies under different conditions and even higher...

Scaling Back EPA Powers

This looks like a good ruling for landowner rights in the USA.  The EPA has had its draconian powers limited. Up here in Canada, we need to get behind efforts to scale back excessive DFO actions to protect "fish habitat" were no fish live.  Municipalities across...

Home on the Range

...and not a human in sight. Maybe this effort to reestablish buffalo makes sense, but I really question the prairie dog effort. Down here on my farm, I really look forward to fixing all the fences that were torn down by migrating moose last year.  Next fall, I think...