Property Rights

2017 International Property Rights Index

2017 International Property Rights Index

The International Property Rights Index (IPRI) is the flagship publication of Property Rights Alliance (PRA), an organization based in Washington, D.C., dedicated to the promotion of property rights around the world. In 2007, PRA instituted the Hernando de Soto...

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2011 International Property Rights Index

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Water Alarmism in Southern Alberta

Distortion about water markets continues to be spread in southern Alberta. For the second time in several months, environmentalists have been invited to speak at Lethbridge about our imminent “water crisis” and tell the public why a water market system will sell off all our scarce water resources to wealthy private interests.

Alberta is set to expand its water market system through the increased transfer of water licences.

Water resources are indeed scarce in southern Alberta’s South Saskatchewan River Basin, however most do not claim supply is at a crisis point.

Alberta operates along a first-come-first-served system.  The largest allocation goes to irrigation agriculture. The second highest goes to coal-fired power plants and the third highest goes to municipalities.

The problem is residents of southern Alberta do not have the whole story. They are not told how efficient water markets can meet all users needs.

Environmentalist organizations like the Sierra Club believe that “human use” is somehow different and distinct than business needs, forgetting that humans work in businesses and denying water for commercial operations will hurt human beings.