Public Sector

Stephen Harper’s Wildrose Soulmate

It seems Albertans are poised to dump the Progressive Conservative Party after 41 long years in power. If so, the Tories will have been punished for being too progressive and too little conservative. They’ll be replaced by a party that’s surely dearer to the Prime Minister’s ideological heart – Wildrose.

Just Say ‘No’ to Spending

For those not familiar with the column, Lett argues tax hikes should be considered to address the province’s deficit. If one scrutinizes the Manitoba government’s spending track record in greater detail, however, Lett’s proposition becomes much harder to stomach.

Aging Opportunity

Did you know that Saskatchewan has significantly more government employees than all other province in Canada? This glut of government employees means taxpayers are paying a small bundle each year. Fortunately, the solution is fairly pain free for politicians – as bureaucrats retire, don’t rehire.

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