Role of Government

Blair on Thatcher

Yesterday, PBS Newshour's coverage of Margaret Thatcher's passing last night included a great interview with two former high level officials from the Reagan administration, George Schultz and James Baker. The one comment that stuck with me was Baker's comment that...

NDP MP calls on government to disclose cost of Superbowl ads

Some of you may have noticed that the Government of Canada was running Canada’s Economic Action Plan™ commercials during the Superbowl. As most of you know, the commercial slots during the Superbowl are vastly more expensive than typical slots. I voiced my displeasure (to put it mildly) on Facebook, and I’m happy to see that the New Democrats have taken up this issue.

Strengthening Fiscal Responsibility Through Decentralization: Empower local voters to increase government accountability and efficiency

The constitution allocates responsibility over most policy areas exclusively to the provinces or the federal government. But the federal government routinely oversteps its bounds. To create more accountable, more efficient government, the federal government should step back and allow the provinces and municipalities to fund and deliver the services that they are responsible for.

Featured News

Propaganda Rules the World

One of the greatest books that explain how the world works is Propaganda by Edward Bernays. The man dubbed “the father of public relations” applied the psychological ideas of his uncle Sigmund Freud upon the masses, triggering their basic motivations to the benefit of...

The Permitted Baseline Test

Several of you have responded asking why the Permitted Baseline Test is so important,� or have asked for more information as to what it is and how it works. It seems to me that the permitted baseline test provides a useful "litmus" test as to whether a planning...

Others Pay for Quebec

The Lucids are losing. That is, this group of Quebecers headed by former premier Lucien Bouchard are losing the debate they themselves started two years ago when they proposed an austerity program to meet the financial and demographic problems looming ever larger in...