Role of Government

Practical Reasons Why Stimulus Spending Doesn’t Work

Tax cuts are a much preferable way to stimulate economic growth. Allowing companies to keep more of their revenue is an incentive to create more wealth and thus promote economic growth. Allowing individuals to spend more of their own money as they see fit helps the market more accurately understand demand signals then when the government just spends trying create demand out of nothing.

Why Canada Needs A Balanced Budget

This past overspending hampers the ability for current governments to respond nimbly to economic challenges like those faced today. That is why, in its budget, the federal government should be careful to establish a fruitful and competitive economic climate for tomorrow. Growing the size and cost of government with deficit spending won’t accomplish this.

Political Storm Clouds Still There

Both Harper and Igtnatieff are play-acting. If Ignatieff saw a reasonable chance the defeat of the government would result in him being called upon to form a government without an election being called, he would seize the opportunity. The notion that Harper is willing to govern at the sufferance of the Liberals and NDP can be held only by those who understand neither government nor Parliament. To give the opposition a veto power or to implement only proposals acceptable to them is an abdication, rather than the exercise, of power.

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The Endemic Path is the Way Out

The Alberta premier’s plan to treat the coronavirus as endemic was the way out of the COVID crisis. That he is once again adopting restrictions for the province, for the fourth time, does not negate the endemic approach.  But his declaration, paraphrasing President...

Northern Tiger Recipes

Though premature, talk of the “Northern Tiger” economy is a welcome change from our recent image as a fiscal basket case. The swelling federal treasury demonstrates the wisdom of restrained spending, consistent surpluses and a pay down of the massive federal debt.