
Government Is Too Expensive

Is it really sustainable for your paycheque to go up by 2 per cent a year, but your hydro bill to go up by 4 per cent, your school taxes by 6 per cent, your property taxes by 3.5 per cent and the provincial sales tax to go up to 8 per cent? Obviously it isn’t sustainable, but that’s what’s going on; government is simply becoming way too expensive for many people.

Apples and Oranges

Taxpayers are either being purposely misled, or the government is simply relying on the public’s general lack of knowledge of government accounting.

Big Green helps Big Wind hide bird and bat butchery: Why do taxpayers have to subsidize this? Why do environmentalists give it a free pass?

It uses tons of fossil fuels every day, emits a greenhouse gas that’s like CO2 on steroids, can’t do the job it’s made for, costs taxpayers exorbitant fees, and makes the federal government look mentally ill for giving it outrageous subsidies. It also chops up birds, bats and scenery with roads and monstrous 400-foot-tall machines. “It” is wind power, of course.

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