
Sweden’s Secret Recipe: Advice from a successful – and tax-cutting – finance minister

When Europe’s finance ministers meet for a group photo, it’s easy to spot the rebel — Anders Borg has a ponytail and earring. What actually marks him out, though, is how he responded to the crash. While most countries in Europe borrowed massively, Borg did not. Since becoming Sweden’s finance minister, his mission has been to pare back government. His ‘stimulus’ was a permanent tax cut. To critics, this was fiscal lunacy — the so-called ‘punk tax cutting’ agenda. Borg, on the other hand, thought lunacy meant repeating the economics of the 1970s and expecting a different result.

Europe’s Brain-Dead Right: Nobody should be surprised if voters also give Angela Merkel and David Cameron the boot at the next ballot.

Readers presumably understand that Europe’s economic crisis is also the crisis of social democracy—of the idea that markets must be made to co-exist with high levels of taxation, regulation, unionization, welfare spending and subsidized health care and education. Eutopia may be nice in theory; it may even work for a while. But eventually social-democratic policies will lead to economic stagnation, policy paralysis and national bankruptcy on the continental scale we are witnessing today.

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Five Single Rate Tax Thoughts

Five Single Rate Tax Thoughts

The income tax structure has been an area of relatively little public policy debate for most of the previous century. It has been widely accepted that having a hierarchy of tax rates wherein higher levels of personal income result in higher percentage tax rates is a...

Five Thoughts on the Single Rate Income Tax

As more and more nations move towards the single rate tax, Canadian governments too should consider whether multi-rate taxes are an effective way of redistributing wealth, and indeed whether it is even desirable to treat different income differently through the tax code.

Proposed Flat Tax Questioned

The current system of “progressive” taxation, where a range of rates means that higher levels of income result in higher percentage tax rates, may not be worthwhile or effective, contends David Seymour, director of the Frontier Centre for Public Policy’s Saskatchewan office, in a paper released Monday.

Five Single Rate Tax Thoughts

There is a global trend towards taxing income at only one rate. Today, over 25 nations have introduced the single rate tax and experienced strong economic growth and strong government revenues. No nation that has adopted the flat tax to date has reversed its position, it is time for Canada and its provinces to consider the merits of removing higher tax rates from higher income brackets and adopting a single rate tax.

Media Release – Five Quick Thoughts in Favour of the Flat Tax

The moral implications of progressive taxation versus single rate taxation should be considered for what they are, and it is up to voters to decide whether a system that takes “extra” money from a minority simply because it can, truly reflects their own moral preferences. They should also consider whether or not they truly want a society where the majority uses the tax system to prey on the minority.

Our Time To Shine

Under the contrasting Harper and Obama plans, Canada looks likely to become in the 2010s what the United States has been since 1980: the English-speaking world’s beacon of enterprise and limited government. Canada now seems poised to collect its due reward.