
Toward a Self Employed Nation?

The United States labor market has been undergoing a substantial shift toward small-scale entrepreneurship. The number of proprietors – owners of businesses who are not wage and salary employees, has skyrocketed, especially in the last decade. Proprietors are self employed business owners who use Internal Revenue Service Schedule C to file their federal income tax. Wage and salary workers are all employees of any establishment (private or government), from executives to non-supervisory workers.

EI for Seasonal Workers is a Corrosive Economic Policy

There is no justification, in logic or in economics, for seasonal EI, and the dogged pursuit of this policy flies in the face of the interests of Canada and people who become trapped in the cycle of working seasonally and then receiving EI benefits while unemployed. Some day a politician will have the guts to say so, but apparently not today.

Featured News

Traditional Teaching is not Obsolete

Artificial intelligence has come a long way. Unlike the rudimentary software of the past, modern-day programs such as ChatGPT are truly impressive. Whether you need a 1,000-word essay summarizing the history of Manitoba, a 500-word article extolling the virtues of...

FCPP Green Jobs Study Covered in National Post

This week, the Frontier Centre released a new study showing that European experiments with centrally planned "green job" creation schemes have generally failed to produce positive outcomes. Instead of creating jobs and generating economic growth, "green jobs"...

HST Research News

A study reported on today in the Financial Post indicates the implementation of HST did not significantly inflate consumer prices.  As time progresses, it appears that businesses are passing cost savings associated with HST input cost credits onto consumers.

“With the compensating income tax changes also enacted by the Ontario government, the net impact of the reform for most families by the end of 2010 was a gain or very small loss in after-tax real incomes,” Mr. Smart said in the report.

National Post Debate on Minimum Wages

The National Post has two op-eds today arguing for and against higher minimum wages in Canada. They're both worth reading. Unsurprisingly, the debate hinges on the complicated question of whether and to what extent higher minimum wages increase unemployment. Jim...

Ministry of Silly Feminist Numbers

“Statistics Canada’s latest contribution to the gender wars was eagerly seized upon by feminists as further evidence of women’s inequality. The agency recently summarized findings from the latest Women in Canada report that shows that women with university degrees earned 30% less than men.”