We want to know your opinion…

Should parents be fully informed?

Should parents be fully informed?

This past week saw dozens of protests across Canada by hundreds of thousands of parents, who are concerned that their children are being sexualized at an early stage in elementary and junior schools. Polls show that up to 80% of Canadians are in favour of parental...

Replacing Gas Tax in a Mandated EV World

Replacing Gas Tax in a Mandated EV World

All levels of government in Canada collect around $20 billion in taxes on gasoline and diesel sales per year.  The present government in Ottawa hopes to ban the sale of internal combustion vehicles by 2035.  There are many practical reasons this will not happen but...

Mischief and Protests – Is There a Double Standard?

Mischief and Protests – Is There a Double Standard?

Tamara Lich and Chris Barber are on trial this month for their part in organizing the Freedom Convoy.  Their charges relate primarily to Mischief of over $5000 - defined as "the wilful destruction of property, making it dangerous or useless to others". There was...

Are you in favour of a parental bill of rights?

Are you in favour of a parental bill of rights?

Heather Stefanson’s PC party of Manitoba promised to introduce a four-point parental “bill of rights” if they are re-elected as the government of Manitoba this October.  These rights would include improving knowledge of the curriculum being taught, reporting of...

Should we collect more race-based data on crime?

Should we collect more race-based data on crime?

The Canadian Justice system has been repeatedly accused of being racist, with much higher incarceration rates for our First Nations and Black citizens than of Whites and Asians.  In the USA, they capture data on the race of those charged with crimes, victims, as well...

Why Is Our Standard of Living Falling?

Why Is Our Standard of Living Falling?

Background – Posthaste: Canada's standard of living is falling behind the rest of the developed world, National Post, July 17, 2023 Mind the Gap – Canada is Falling Behind the Standard of Living Curve, TD Bank Report, July 13, 2023   Click...

Are women over represented in the federal civil service?

Are women over represented in the federal civil service?

Unlike the USA, where Affirmative Action is not guaranteed, the Canadian Charter specifically mentions that Affirmative Action can be used in hiring situations where designated groups, such as women, are underrepresented (called Equity Points).  This has led to a...

How’s Your Experience Dealing with Federal Government Departments?

How’s Your Experience Dealing with Federal Government Departments?

Since the change of federal government in 2015, the size of the Federal Civil Service has increased by 40%. This has occurred at the same time that massive investments have been made on IT projects, with the intent of making the civil service more efficient and...