Canada’s Deadly Response to COVID-19

The foundation for a government-led response to emergencies in Canada is the system of emergency management (EM). Federal and provincial/territorial governments have EM agencies charged with the mitigation, preparedness, response, […]
Published on July 19, 2021

The foundation for a government-led response to emergencies in Canada is the system of emergency management (EM). Federal and provincial/territorial governments have EM agencies charged with the mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery to all hazards. These EM agencies work routinely with other orders of government, internal government ministries, jurisdictional private sector entities, and non-government organizations (NGOs). These routine inter-relationships are required to ensure timely, efficient, and effective action in times of emergency. These EM agencies also have methodically prepared general and hazard-specific plans to ensure both rapid and coordinated response in times of emergency. These EM agencies have established, practiced, and exercised process and operating systems necessary for complete action for the resolution of emergencies.(126 pages)

Read full Research Paper HERE

David Redman has a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Royal Military College of Canada, and a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the United States Naval Postgraduate School. He is a graduate of both the Canadian Land Forces Command and Staff College, in Kingston, Ontario and the Canadian Forces Command and Staff College, in Toronto, Ontario.


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