As we start 2025, Manitobans should let their government know that it should commit to putting the health care of Manitobans ahead before any other interest. Manitoba can begin in one area: Using private nurses to help supplement the public system. This past...
The Best Laid Plans of Politicians and Bureaucrats
It has been days since the federal Liberals told Canadians that their budget shortfall was 50 per cent higher than expected, and Canadians are still reeling from the arrogance and financial malfeasance that produced a $61.9-billion deficit. Canadians are angry...
Paramedic and Medic Student Suffers From Initial Vaccine Shot, and Told to get Another One
National Citizens Inquiry
Dentist Speaks on Informed Consent
National Citizens Inquiry
Featured News
Canadian Property Rights Index 2023
A Snapshot of Property Rights Protection in Canada After 10 years
Alberta Politics and Empty Promises of Health-care Solutions
The writ has been dropped and Albertans are off to the polls on May 29. That leaves just four weeks for political leaders and voters to sort out what is arguably the most divisive, yet significant, issue for this election - health care. On Day 2, NDP leader Rachel...
Health Risks from Water Fluoridation are not just in RFK’s Head
Water fluoridation has returned to the forefront of public policy debates thanks to environmental lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Kennedy is expected to have a role in the Department of Health and Human Services, giving his opinion more weight than ever. In a post...
Life At Risk Due to Vaccine Injury
National Citizens Inquiry
TMU Medical School Sacrifices Academic Merit to Pursue Intolerance
Perhaps it should be expected that a so-obviously ‘woke’ institution as the Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) would toss aside such antiquated concepts as academic merit as it prepares to open its new medical school in the fall of 2025. After all, until...
A Nurse of 31 Years was Fired!
National Citizens Inquiry
Cut the Truth Out of Our Heads
The censors are losing patience. They have gone from regretting the existence of free speech and gaming the system as best they can to fantasizing about ending it through criminal penalties. You can observe this change in temperament – from frustration to fury...
The Destructive Legacy of Gender Theory’s Popular Pioneer
The idea that gender is disconnected from sex was popularized by psychologist John Money. Perverted minds produce perverted ideas. Unfortunately, Money’s legacy of destruction continues. The idea that sex drives come out of nowhere and have nothing to do with...
Transition Troubles: Medical Risks and Regret Among Trans Teens
Do teens going through cross-gender hormones and surgeries know what they’re doing? A leak of internal conversations by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health shows even some doctors administering the procedures have serious doubts. The U.S....
Alberta’s New Transgender Rules Could Save Young Lives
Alberta is leading the country with sensible youth gender policies. Other provinces should emulate them. Premier Danielle Smith recently confirmed transgender surgeries will be banned for those under 18 years of age. Puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones will...
DAVID SEYMOUR: “Need, Not Race” Circular Honours Universal Human Rights
The government is issuing a Cabinet circular directing all public services be delivered according to need rather than race. This change marks a commitment to ensuring equal rights in the distribution of government resources and services, and reflects the values ACT...