Manitoba Health Spending Still Highest in Canada (FC010)

In 2002 Manitoba again tops the charts for the most expensive healthcare system. But where are the results?
Published on January 2, 2003
Of the provinces in Canada, Manitoba spends the most per capita on healthcare.


  • The Manitoba government spends 17.4% more per capita on health care than the Canadian average. If per capita spending was at the Canadian average, it would spend about $439 million less than it presently does.
  • Manitoba spends 12.2% more per capita on health care than Saskatchewan and 9.3% more than Alberta. Although Alberta’s population is younger on average, no demographic disparity explains the spread between health-care spending in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
  • Data on the current state of hospital crowding, waiting lists, delays and denials of medical procedures do not yet indicate a significant increase in health-care outcomes, despite significantly higher spending levels.


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