A Conversation with Niels Veldhuis

Niels Veldhuis is Senior Research Economist at The Fraser Institute. Since joining the Institute in 2002 he has authored or co-authored 10 comprehensive studies on a wide range of topics […]
Published on March 11, 2005

Niels Veldhuis is Senior Research Economist at The Fraser Institute. Since joining the Institute in 2002 he has authored or co-authored 10 comprehensive studies on a wide range of topics including, taxation, labour markets, government debt, government failure, fiscal discipline, and economic prosperity.

Mr.Veldhuis is also the primary researcher for Tax Freedom Day. He has written over 50 articles, which have appeared in some 20 newspapers across the country. He has appeared as a commentator on various radio and television programs. Mr. Veldhuis received a Bachelor degree in Business Administration (1999), with joint majors in business and economics and a Master Degree in Economics (2001) from Simon Fraser University. He was interviewed after his presentation on Manitoba’s size of government at the Frontier Centre on March 11th , 2005.

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