Controversial journalist Hitchens to speak in city

The Winnipeg Free Press announces upcoming Frontier Centre event.
Published on March 29, 2006

ONE of the world’s most contentious authors and journalists will speak in Winnipeg in late April. Christopher Hitchens, who has challenged sacred cows on both the left and right wings during his prolific career, is being presented here by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy.

“This is something I’ve been working on for a while,” said Frontier president Peter Holle. “He’s coming up from Washington for this one Canadian date.”

Hitchens is set to speak at an April 26 dinner at the Fairmont Hotel.

The title of his lecture is The Busybody State.

The British-born writer, now based in the U.S., is a regular contributor to such magazines as Vanity Fair and Atlantic Monthly. He has written books critical of such figures as Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton and Mother Teresa.

Considered a socialist for much of his working life, he broke ranks with the Anglo-American left after the attacks of Sept. 11.

Notorious for his anti-religious views, he has been critical of radical Islam and has been a supporter of the American invasion of Iraq.

The Frontier Centre describes itself as an independent think-tank devoted to developing public policy options for the Prairies. Most of its positions are against government intervention and in favour of free markets.

Tickets for the Hitchens dinner are $75 each. Registration is available at the Frontier website,

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