26 Organisations Form Global Coalition to Challenge Unjustified Alarmism

The level of misinformation grows daily and the hysteria intensifies. But rational voices are finally to beginning to cut through the propaganda and make themselves heard in an organized way.
Published on February 1, 2007

London – In advance of the release of the latest alarmist report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a group of 26 civil society organisations, from 23 countries, has formed a new global coalition.

The Civil Society Coalition on Climate Change seeks to offer a more rational approach to the issue, based on independent evaluations of the evidence and assessments of the policy options.

“Interest groups exaggerate the threat of climate change in order to support their call for urgent global and national regulation of carbon emissions. Governments, intergovernmental bodies and even supposedly objective academies of science reinforce this by issuing alarmist reports – such as the UK Government’s ‘Stern Review’ and the IPCC’s much hyped Fourth Assessment Report,” said Julian Morris, Director of Coalition member International Policy Network, a UK-based think-tank.

“Yet, many of the proposed policies would likely do more harm to society than the climate changes they are intended to control. There is a great need for more rational thinking on this issue – which is what the Coalition intends to provide,” concluded Professor Morris.

For more information, contact Ellen Bisnath, +4420 7836 0750, ebisnath@policynetwork.net

About the Coalition

The Civil Society Coalition on Climate Change seeks to educate the public about climate change issues in an impartial manner. It was established as a response to the many biased and alarmist claims about human-induced climate change, which are being used to justify calls for urgent action by governments.

The Coalition currently comprises 26 independent civil society organisations from 23 countries who share a commitment to improving public understanding about a range of public policy issues. All are non-profit organizations that are independent of political parties and government.

Coalition members:

  • Alternate Solutions Institute, Pakistan
  • Alabama Policy Institute, USA
  • Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy, Kentucky, USA
  • CEPOS, Denmark
  • China Sustainable Development Research Centre, Capital University of Business & Economics, China
  • Fraser Institute, Canada
  • Free Enterprise Institute, Peru
  • Free Market Foundation, South Africa
  • Frontier Centre for Public Policy, Canada
  • Fundacion Atlas 1853, Argentina
  • Ecuadorian Institute of Political Economy, Ecuador
  • Imani, Ghana
  • Initiative of Public Policy Analysis, Nigeria
  • Institute for Liberty and Analysis of Policy in Government, Costa Rica
  • Institute for Free Enterprise, Germany
  • Institute of Economic Analysis, Russia
  • Instituto Liberdade, Brazil
  • Institute for Market Economics, Bulgaria
  • International Policy Network, UK
  • Istituto Bruno Leoni, Italy
  • Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies, Israel
  • John Locke Foundation, North Carolina, USA
  • Liberalni Institute, Czech Republic
  • Liberty Institute, India
  • Lion Rock Institute, Hong Kong
  • Tennessee Center for Policy Research, USA
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