Year: 2008

Are We Ailing from Too Much Deregulation?

Many journalists claim that the U.S. economy since the late 1970s has been very free, with little regulation; that this absence of regulation has caused markets to fail; that there was a consensus in favor of little regulation; and that, now, this consensus is fading. On all these counts, the reports are false. Specifically, the U.S. economy has not been free since before the New Deal of the 1930s.

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The Next Team

What would you call a group of economists who are skeptical of regulating mortgage markets, who think unemployment insurance and unions increase unemployment, who say that tax hikes retard economic growth, and who believe that the recovery from the Great Depression was a monetary phenomenon rather than the result of New Deal fiscal policy? No, it is not a right-wing cabal. It’s Team Obama.

City Taxes Top Norm: Study

Barrie homeowners, businesses and industries were collectively taxed 41 per cent more than the Ontario average last year, says a recent think-tank study. And the reason is this city spends 76 per cent more on basic municipal services -- such as water, sewer and roads...

City Stacks up Poorly on Tax Front

City residents pay higher taxes than most Ontarians, but City Hall spends less on recreation, culture and services than their municipal partners. The Frontier Centre for Public Policy released its annual report card for Canadian cities, ranking the relative financial...