Media Release – The Perfect Gift for Mother’s Day: Child Care Choice

Provincial child care policies vary widely across the Prairies. In particular, Saskatchewan and Manitoba actively discourage for-profit child care centres by denying them access to government subsidies and grants. Alberta treats both for-profit and non-profit centres equally. Because of these policies, Saskatchewan has just one commercial daycare in the entire province. Only five percent of the child care centres in Manitoba are for-profit. Alberta has a majority of for-profit centres. Saskatchewan also has the lowest level of child care coverage in the country. Manitoba and Alberta are both near the national average. Evidence suggests that Alberta has been better able to meet rising demand for new child care spaces than either Saskatchewan or Manitoba. Further evidence suggests that Alberta is more efficient in turning government funding into new daycare spaces. Alberta is able to create twice as many spots per $1,000 in government expenditure than Manitoba, and three-times as many spots as Saskatchewan.
Published on May 6, 2009

The Frontier Centre for Public Policy today released a study comparing child care options for parents in the three Prairie provinces. Little Crèche on the Prairies: Evaluating child care policies in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, finds that across the Prairies, there is a wide diversity in child care policies and coverage. In particular, the treatment of for-profit child care centres varies considerably.

The study’s author, Peter Shawn Taylor, notes that Manitoba and Saskatchewan have chosen to discourage for-profit child care centres to create a dominant non-profit sector. He points out that while such a policy may satisfy ideological goals, it appears to result in higher costs for taxpayers, less choice for parents and an increase in the time required to establish new centres. “The impact of this policy on the quality of child care is uncertain. What is certain is that it results in fewer available daycare spaces,” writes Taylor.

Taylor points out that in contrast, “Alberta has permitted equal access to government subsidies by both for-profit and non-profit centres. This has resulted in a more efficient use of taxpayer subsidies and a broader range of child care options for parents.”

In summary, the study found:

• Manitoba provides coverage near the national rate—helped in no small measure by a significant drop in the number of children under the age of five; Manitoba actively discourages for-profit daycare by denying new centres access to provincial grants. This has led to complaints that the child care sector is slow to respond to increased demand.

• Saskatchewan has the lowest level of child care coverage in Canada. This is because
the province has virtually eliminated its for-profit sector via official policies and unofficial practices that deny government child care funding to entrepreneurial centres.

• Alberta has a flourishing daycare sector with strong participation by both for-profit and non-profit centres. It has a long tradition of equal treatment of both ownership models. Alberta also boasts the widest variety of options for parents. It is also the most efficient system (see table 4). For every $1,000 spent, Alberta creates twice as many child care spaces as Manitoba and three times the spaces provided by Saskatchewan.

Copies of the Frontier Centre policy series Little Crèche on the Prairies: Evaluating child care policies in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta can be downloaded free here.

For more information, contact the study author at:

Peter Shawn Taylor
Office: 519-884-7692 (Waterloo, Ontario)
Cell: 519-591-7692


Gary Slywchuk
Troy Media Corporation

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