Congress of Racial Equality Leader To Serve As A National Spokesman for ‘No Cap-And-Trade’ Coalition

If domestic cap-and-trade legislation were passed, it could result in a loss of 1.9 million American jobs in 2012 and 2.5 million American jobs by 2025. From 2012-2019, the CBO estimates direct government spending at $822 billion with revenue at $845 billion from taxes on energy producers.
Published on December 18, 2009

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Dec. 15) — The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), one of the oldest civil rights advocacy groups in the nation, has been named as a leading spokesman for the national “No Cap-and-Trade” coalition, it was announced this week.

Niger Innis, national spokesman for CORE, will help serve as a national spokesman for the No Cap-And-Trade coalition as it ramps up its national campaign to stop enactment by Congress of cap-and-trade schemes and any proposed climate treaty that comes out of the Copenhagen climate summit.  The coalition believes that either policy would impede social justice, transfer wealth from the United States to foreign countries and potentially strip the United States of its sovereignty.

The No Cap-and-Trade Coalition is comprised of over 30 state and federal public policy groups and think tanks and maintains a website at


“CORE is committed to the coalition’s efforts to stop cap-and-trade as well as the Copenhagen treaty,” said Niger Innis. “This endeavor is a continuation of an almost three-year effort that CORE has made in its national energy campaign.  CORE believes that access to affordable energy is a civil and human right and will work with the No Cap-and-Trade Coalition to spread this message.”

“The No Cap-and-Trade Coalition is very excited about working with CORE and having Niger Innis as a spokesperson,” said Jeff Davis of Minnesota Majority, the coalition’s organizer. “We believe his message that cap-and-trade schemes will be devastating to all Americans, but with a disproportionate impact on the poor in this country, will resonate with all people, regardless of politics.”

On December 7, 2009, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will begin a conference in Copenhagen, Denmark where President Obama intends to consent to an operational agreement with immediate effect if the proposed treaty can’t be agreed upon. The treaty, or any similar executive agreements, could result in a massive transfer of wealth from the United States to third world countries, tax hikes, price inflation, job losses and more damage to the faltering American economy. A draft of the treaty includes establishing a new world government along with a world energy tax. Were such a treaty ratified, it could be a threat to the sovereignty of the United States.

If domestic cap-and-trade legislation were passed, it could result in a loss of 1.9 million American jobs in 2012 and 2.5 million American jobs by 2025. From 2012-2019, the CBO estimates direct government spending at $822 billion with revenue at $845 billion from taxes on energy producers.

The No Cap-and-Trade Coalition has launched a petition on its website at and through it, has transmitted over 150,000 citizen messages to the president and Congress in opposition to cap and trade schemes. Member organizations have been independently working in the fight against cap-and-trade and the Copenhagen treaty and some are running advertisements to educate the public.

CORE plans to help the No Cap-and-Trade Coalition work with lawmakers to understand that only through the free-market development of technology and the refinement of conservation endeavors, can the United States achieve a sustainable energy policy for this generation and generations to come.

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