Birth of a Boom: Saskatchewan’s Dawning Golden Age: by Frontier’s David Seymour

Published on August 15, 2011

About the Book:

Prosperity of historic proportion awaits Canada’s heartland . . . if Saskatchewan makes the right moves.

Saskatchewan, Canada’s Prairie heartland, stands on the cusp of a Golden Age. The enormous growth of international trade means billons of new global customers want to sell us their goods and buy our scarce natural resources in return. Meanwhile, the province has matured and stabilized politically; little will hold its people back from capitalizing on these very favourable conditions.

Saskatchewan is poised to become the richest province in the richest country on earth, but what of it? Is being rich really enough?

In this concise and well-researched book published in collaboration with Canada’s Frontier Centre for Public Policy, David Breen Seymour seeks out the most vibrant and successful societies that have ever existed: Ancient Athens, the Islamic Golden Age, and Enlightenment Scotland–times and places in history where people achieved more and in a wider range of fields than anywhere else, ever.

He then modernizes the lessons they offer and applies them to Saskatchewan’s choices from education and health care to Aboriginal policy and the shape of cities. Seymour concludes that money isn’t enough, but that Saskatchewan’s prosperity provides the breathing space required to herd some sacred political cows on the way to becoming one of history’s truly Golden Societies.


About the Author:

At 28 years of age, David Breen Seymour represents a demographic of young professionals who are inheriting the legacy of the Baby Boomer generation, and are beginning to voice their ideas and concerns, taking ownership of their collective future.

David directs the Saskatchewan office of Canada’s Frontier Centre for Public Policy. He holds degrees in Electrical Engineering and Philosophy from the University of Auckland, where he also tutored Economics. After working as an engineer in New Zealand, he is applying his passion for sound policy analysis to policy issues on the Canadian Prairies.

In four years with the Frontier Centre, David has carried out extensive media work, presenting policy analysis through local and national television, newspapers, and radio. His policy columns have been published in newspapers in every province as well as the Globe and Mail and the National Post. David has penned policy research papers on telecommunications privatization, education, environmental policy, fiscal policy, poverty, and taxi deregulation.

His major project with the Frontier Centre is the annual Local Government Performance Index (LGPI). The inaugural LGPI was released in November 2007 and comes at a time when municipal accounting standards in Canada must improve if the municipal government sector is to reach its potential as an economic growth engine for Canada.

Golden Age is his first book.


What They’re Saying About Golden Age

This book is exciting because it recognizes that it’s time for Saskatchewan people to begin a discussion about where we can and should be in the next century, and it initiates that discussion with a perfect balance of fact and optimism. Now that David Seymour has begun what may be the grandest discussion since our province was created, it’s up to all of us to become engaged. Whether or not you agree with his policy statements, I believe he has taken us all on the first step toward Saskatchewan becoming the next Golden Society. Great work!”

–Steve McLellan, CEO, Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce


“David Seymour has shown tremendous intellectual courage in tackling head on some of Saskatchewan’s political sacred cows and he does so with a purpose. In challenging the reader to catch the vision of what we can dream to be (a world-class powerhouse), he cunningly exposes the failures of public policy. This book is for all political junkies. Read it.”

–Grant Devine, former Premier of Saskatchewan


“As a keen observer of Saskatchewan life, David Seymour’s analysis of our place in the world is thought-provoking and stimulating. A great read, his public policy prescriptions set out an exciting challenge to each of us and to the status quo.”

John Gormley, host of News Talk Radio’s John Gormley Live and author of Left Out: Saskatchewan’s NDP & the Relentless Pursuit of Mediocrity


“David understands that it is not about more money for aboriginals but new ideas to empower individuals and move things forward…” – Calvin Helin, author of Dances with Dependency


Dale Eisler, long-time Saskatchewan observer and author of False Expectations: Politics and Pursuit of the Saskatchewan Myth


“Ancient Greece and Enlightenment Scotland were open societies where innovation and open public discourse was welcomed. In the spirit of the philosopher Karl Popper, this book weds the ideas of competition and the open society into an exciting roadmap for innovation and wealth creation in Saskatchewan.”

–Wayne Anderson, Chair, Frontier Centre for Public Policy

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