Quebec Election

Polls close at 8pm ET in the Quebec election today and while the Parti Québécois are still the favourites, the polls are close and it would not be a big upset if either the Liberals or Coalition Avenir Québec managed to eke out a victory in the end.
Published on September 4, 2012

Polls close at 8pm ET in the Quebec election today and while the Parti Québécois are still the favourites, the polls are close and it would not be a big upset if either the Liberals or Coalition Avenir Québec managed to eke out a victory in the end.

I’ll be watching the results come in this evening, but as I wrote last week, I don’t expect the election result to resolve one matter in particular – the student protests that prompted the early election in the first place.

“If another political party is elected, for example the Parti Québécois, there will have to be negotiations. The party will have to respond to our demands.”, said one student spokesperson.

Whatever happens tonight, it looks like Quebec hasn’t seen the end of the student protests.

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