Cutting Red Tape

This week the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) is hosting its fourth annual Red Tape Awareness Week™ 2013. In the spirit of the "Red Tape Revolution" here is a poem about red tape reduction initiatives.
Published on January 24, 2013

This week the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) is hosting its fourth annual Red Tape Awareness Week™ 2013. In the spirit of the “Red Tape Revolution” here is a poem about red tape reduction initiatives.

Cutting Red Tape

Government officials of the world
From bureaucracy long to escape
They have each launched an initiative
To reduce the burden of red tape

It is time, they say, to dispel
What is wasteful, redundant, and obsolete
It is time to launch a new program
Now, wouldn’t that be neat!

The politician will cut red tape
A symbol, with a ceremony
And all the press will be there
So we’ll know it isn’t phony

When the scissors cut the tape
The citizens will be so mystified
That they’ll not even begin to realize
The red tape has just been multiplied!

– Amanda Achtman

Sample of Government Red Tape Reduction Initiatives in Canada:
– Government of Canada Red Tape Reduction Commission (2010-2011)
– Red Tape Reduction Action Plan Report (2012)
– Alberta Government’s Red Tape Reduction Task Force (2011-2012)
– City of Calgary Cut Red Tape program (2010-2012)
– British Columbia Citizen Centred Regulatory Reform Projects (2006-ongoing)
– Saskatchewan Regulatory Modernization Council (2008)
– Winnipeg Red Tape Reduction Roundtable (2011)
– Newfoundland and Labrador Red Tape Reduction Task Force Report (2007)

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