International Students for Liberty Conference 2013

This weekend I have been in Washington DC at the 2013 International Students for Liberty Conference.
Published on February 19, 2013

This weekend I have been in Washington DC at the 2013 International Students for Liberty Conference.

The conference is a gathering of libertarian students, mostly from the United States, but also from around the world, including about 30 Canadian students this year.

This is a photo of Justin Amash, a Republican Congressman, speaking to one of dozens of break out sessions held throughout the weekend.


Some of the other speakers that I was able to see (there are far too many to see them all), included:

Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson
George Mason University economists and icons Bryan Caplan and Peter Boettke
Whole Foods CEO John Mackey
Fox TV Host John Stossel

If you’re a student interested in liberty or libertarianism then this conference is a must.

Scholarships for travel are usually available, so feel free to contact me if you’d like more information about attending next year.

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