Pipelines are the Safest Way to Transport Oil

Activists are continuing to work hard in an effort to block the construction of major oil pipelines like the proposed Northern Gateway project. As a result, oil companies have turned […]
Published on November 15, 2013

Activists are continuing to work hard in an effort to block the construction of major oil pipelines like the proposed Northern Gateway project.

As a result, oil companies have turned to alternatives, like moving crude by rail.

But the tragedy at Lac Megantic, Quebec strongly suggests that such alternatives pose greater dangers to people and to the environment.

Terrible spills have occurred in the past when oil moves across water by tanker.

With fewer pipelines transporting Canadian oil across the country, we need to import more oil from overseas.

Pipelines involve a much lower risk of spills and derailments.

They can be routed away from populated areas. Modern pipelines also have leak-detection systems that will shut them down automatically if a rupture occurs.

Shipping oil by rail, truck or tanker can also mean the release of more exhaust and pollutants into the atmosphere.

Fuel is essential to heat our homes on the prairies.

It also allows us to safely and quickly travel long distances, and it sustains our standard of living.

Experience has shown that pipelines are the safest and most responsible way to transport fuel.

I’m Roger Currie. Join us again next week for more thoughts on the Frontier.

For more on energy policy, visit our website www.fcpp.org.

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