Year: 2013

Oil sands not an economy environment trade-off

The shrill, endless denunciations of the “tar sands” across North America, and indeed around the world, have largely overshadowed any communications efforts by the oil industry to show that the oil sands are benefiting Canadians and being developed in a responsible...

Featured News

Traditional Teaching is not Obsolete

Artificial intelligence has come a long way. Unlike the rudimentary software of the past, modern-day programs such as ChatGPT are truly impressive. Whether you need a 1,000-word essay summarizing the history of Manitoba, a 500-word article extolling the virtues of...

The Employment Insurance ripoff

Source: Gregory Thomas, National Post, 20 November 2013 If Stephen Harper really wants to help working Canadians and their families, he needs to scrap the pork-barrelling Employment Insurance (EI) system designed by Pierre Trudeau, and give Canadians back their own...

Science and journalism take a vacation

A recent Times of London article claimed new “research” demonstrates that a “chemical onslaught is destroying Britain’s amphibians.” A “toxic cocktail,” it stated, is killing UK frogs, toads and newts. Manmade chemicals “can affect animals’ immune systems – leaving...

Pipelines are the Safest Way to Transport Oil

Activists are continuing to work hard in an effort to block the construction of major oil pipelines like the proposed Northern Gateway project. As a result, oil companies have turned to alternatives, like moving crude by rail. But the tragedy at Lac Megantic, Quebec...

Isaac Asimov on Price Gouging

Every time a natural disaster strikes in North America, reports emerge of retailers increasing prices in some locations. This, of course, is generally prohibited, and leads to public shaming. There are, however, good reasons why price gouging needs to happen. The most...

The sad state of conservatism in Canada

Senate scandals, admissions of smoking crack, threats to fight in the legislature, and an overall lack of innovative ideas: the crisis facing Canadian conservatism today span from the local to the federal and is being felt across the country. There are a variety of...