Has Sugarcane proved Chief Willie Sellars wrong? Absolutely. At a highly-publicized presentation on 25 January 2022, Chief Willie Sellars proclaimed that '93 is our number' and went on to describe horrific atrocities at the former St Joseph's Indian Residential School...
Aboriginal Futures
A Tale of Two Northern Indigenous Peoples Charting a Path Towards Economic Viability Beyond the Indian Act
This study argues Indigenous communities ought to consider economic viability and eventual self-reliance before embarking on a path toward political independence. Drawing upon relevant empirical data, it claims First Nations require meaningful control over...
New Report Argues Economic Independence Must Precede Political Autonomy for First Nations in Canada
Backgrounder 142
False Claims, Real Consequences: The ICC Referrals That Damaged Canada’s Reputation
The answer is simple. Why has Canada twice been referred to the International Criminal Court on the basis of false claims about Indian residential schools? The ultimate cause is the University of Manitoba's National Student Memorial which falsely claims that it is a...
Featured News
Canadian Property Rights Index 2023
A Snapshot of Property Rights Protection in Canada After 10 years
Alberta Politics and Empty Promises of Health-care Solutions
The writ has been dropped and Albertans are off to the polls on May 29. That leaves just four weeks for political leaders and voters to sort out what is arguably the most divisive, yet significant, issue for this election - health care. On Day 2, NDP leader Rachel...
Murray Sinclair’s Legacy
After Murray Sinclair died in Winnipeg on November 4, 2024, many Canadians learned a good deal about the life and work of the former Senator, Judge, and Chief Commissioner of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC). But given how glowing the...
Improving the Prosperity of First Nations: Lessons From Two Nobel Laureates in Economics
Here is a question that many Western Canadians, especially those living in rural areas, could answer. “If you were blindfolded and dropped off on a First Nation or a Hutterite colony, would you know where you were if you did not see any people?” Of course, both...
Frontier Live on X – From Truth Comes Reconciliation Book Launch
Big Topics & Big Ideas
Invitation To a Virtual Book Launch
NEW BOOK From Truth Comes Reconciliation: An Assessment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report (2nd Edition)Edited by Rodney A. Clifton and Mark DeWolf Published and distributed by Sutherland House Press, 2024. Order your copies now available from...
The Indigenous Nightmare Continues
Will the nightmare ever end? Indigenous families across Canada have been lied to about their history for a long time. Some of their leaders have been exploiting their grief and feeding it with new allegations of cruelty to extract billions from taxpayers. For...
Joseph Quesnel: To Truly Help Indigenous Communities Prosper, We Must Put the Economic Horse Before the Political Cart
Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre has surprised a lot of people by placing a real emphasis on his party’s relationship with Indigenous peoples. Not only has he recruited high-profile Indigenous politicians like Ellis Ross and Chief Billy Morin to be...
Has The TRC Report Pushed Canada Into A Post-Truth Nose-Dive?
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) Report was published a decade ago. Since then, surprisingly few people have provided a critical but fair assessment of this 3,500-page, 7-volume mammoth. Most academics and journalists—those we expect to...
Sugarcane – When Film Critics Blood Libel Canada and Roman Catholics
“Sugarcane” is a new documentary that is in Canadian cinemas, and it is sure to cause more churches to be desecrated or fire-bombed. It is distributed by National Geographic, a respected brand name. “Sugarcane” is a story of alleged nefarious deeds that took place at...
Manitoba First Nations Should Opt for Economic Collaboration, Not Confrontation
Some First Nations in Manitoba are leading the way on economic development. They are seeking out ways to find value-added opportunities and collaborate with private third parties and other governments. These communities are not waiting around for opportunities to...