Day 24 – Frontier’s Advent Calendar

Day 24 – Advent is the season of preparing for Christmas. Here at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy we want to tell you about some of the things we would […]
Published on December 24, 2017

Day 24 – Advent is the season of preparing for Christmas. Here at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy we want to tell you about some of the things we would like to see under our tree.


On Day 24 we wish for an end to Canada’s quixotic quest to change the weather by artificially raising its energy costs. The hard reality our politicians must understand is that Canada is competing with a Trump economy where the leadership is aggressively moving to lower its energy costs by building pipelines, removing climate regulations, and expanding conventional hydrocarbon energy supplies. Canada must do same or risk seeing investment and jobs head south.

Suggested Readings:

Weather Control as a Cold War Weapon” (Just for historical fun!)

Australia Repeals Its Carbon Tax

Carbon Advocates Fiddle the Figures: They can’t even decide by how much B.C’s carbon tax reduced consumption

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