Weekly Radio – The Government Is the Limit, Not the Sky

If a tree falls in the forest, can tree-huggers cheer? Yes, they can. They say every four stories of a ‘plyscraper’ will reduce carbon emissions similar to what’s produced by 500 […]
Published on March 13, 2018

If a tree falls in the forest, can tree-huggers cheer? Yes, they can. They say every four stories of a ‘plyscraper’ will reduce carbon emissions similar to what’s produced by 500 cars every year. Unfortunately, governments are often slow to grasp the opportunity.

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Keep or Can the New Canada Water Agency?

Keep or Can the New Canada Water Agency?

In May, the federal government announced it was creating a new organization called the Canada Water Agency.   It will have a 5-year budget of $85 million, staff of 215, half of which will be located at a new headquarters in Winnipeg. This is part of a broader effort...