Based on a running centered 13-month average, global temperatures have cooled about 0.3 Celsius since 2016.[1] Similarly, mean monthly sunspot activity has been dropping since 2016: 52 in 2016, 26 in 2017, 12 in 2018 to 4 in agricultural year 2019 (September to February). The award-winning Australian scientist, geologist, and professor emeritus of earth sciences at the University of Melbourne, Ian Plimer (2009) writes that climate closely correlates with solar activity accounting for 80% of the temperature trend over the last 150 years.[2]
Global temperatures warmed in February despite extremely cold temperatures in North America, with warm temperatures in Siberia and Europe offsetting those in North America.[3] The ten observations above are noteworthy for North America. Dr. Don J. Easterbrook, Emeritus Professor of Geology at Western Washington University dismisses the human-caused climate change theory – “Because of the absence of physical evidence that carbon dioxide causes global warming, the only argument for CO2 as the cause of warming rests entirely in computer modelling.”[4] Similarly, he has been quoted as stating “… governments worldwide have already spent a trillion dollars fighting the wrong threat.”[5]
Observations to Question Human Induced Global Warming
2. Plimer, I. 2009. Heaven and Earth: Global Warming the Missing Science. Connor Court Publishing Ltd., Ballan, Victoria, Australia. 503 pp.
3. http://
4. Easterbrook, D. Proceedings of the Porto Climate Conference. Sept 7-8, 2018. Porto University. Portugal.