Prioritizing People and Their Human Rights

“We don’t serve your kind,” is the last thing a customer wants to hear. It should also be the last thing a service provider would want to say. But Jessica […]
Published on December 31, 2019

“We don’t serve your kind,” is the last thing a customer wants to hear. It should also be the last thing a service provider would want to say. But Jessica Yaniv might have just proved us wrong. The male-to-female transgender activist may have provided the otherwise inconceivable moment that this can and should be said. That’s because Yaniv, known for complaining about female aestheticians who wouldn’t wax her private parts, is now complaining that gynecologists won’t treat people with male genitalia.

It may make perfect sense to you that a doctor who specializes in female private parts would not want to look at male ones. Ah, but we live in a fantasy world now, where chromosomes and biological realities don’t apply. This means that Yaniv’s parts are no longer male, but female, because (s)he has declared (her)self a woman. Therefore, her scrotum and penis are female.

Indeed, the whole future is female, according to some memes and t-shirts. And if all it takes to make something “female” is to say it is, then I suppose that’s possible. The only problem is that any objective view of Yaniv’s private parts would tell you they’re male. That is their outward appearance, and their inward reality—everywhere but in Yaniv’s mind and will.

Yaniv complained in a December 2 twitter post, “a gynecologist office that I got referred to literally told me today that ‘we don’t serve transgender patients’”.

“And me, being me, I’m shocked.. and confused… and hurt.”

“Are they allowed to do that, legally? Isn’t that against the college practices? @cpsbc_ca”

The B.C. College of Physicians and Surgeons are tagged there. And Yaniv, being Yaniv, does get “shocked . . and hurt.” But last time it wasn’t against gynecologists who didn’t want to touch her junk, it was aestheticians. 

Yaniv made international headlines for issuing complaints against many aestheticians who would not give her a brazilian, or female, wax job on her private parts. The procedures for male parts are different, of course; it involves a different kind of wax and is more difficult.

Why couldn’t Yaniv just go to someone who does “brozillians” or “manzilians” instead? Probably because that doesn’t enforce transgender rights upon the unwilling. Nor does that instance offer the potential to earn money from human rights commissions for suffering “discrimination.” Again, this is when someone wants to hear, “We don’t serve your kind.”

Amazingly, though, Yaniv found a way to lose. The British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal decision issued October 22 said, “human rights legislation does not require a service provider to wax a type of genitals they are not trained for and have not consented to wax.” They determined that Yaniv “engaged in improper conduct,” “filed complaints for improper purposes,” and found Yaniv’s testimony to be “disingenuous and self-serving.” Yaniv was also “evasive and argumentative and contradicted herself.”

The result was that the court ordered costs of $2,000 payable to three of the complainants. It was a rare occasion that a complainant not only failed to win, but even materially lost.

Six weeks later, Yaniv wants another go. Yes, this woman has balls! 

On December 3 Yaniv tweeted, “The @cpsbc_ca has confirmed to me that the refusal I’ve received is discrimination under the BC Human Rights Code and against their code of Ethics.”

Yaniv also promised to file a complaint with the college, tweeting, “Trans people need to be included, not excluded from society. Pre and post gender affirming surgery care is super important!”

Is Yaniv going on the offensive and calling it self-defence? It sounds a lot like when s/he swung a cane at a reporter but claimed to be the victim when three RCMP cruisers soon arrived.

The public has little sympathy for Yaniv, also known for inappropriate sexual comments regarding underage girls and immigrants. If twitter replies are any indication, the public doesn’t understand this at all.

“[W]hy do you keep trying to force people to touch your balls?” asked SaraGonzalesTX.

“But just WHY would you go see a Dr who is checking on female body parts if you don’t have them???” asked @LiveL0veClean.

Craig Bryce (@Boom1979) was more forthright. “What a joke. Subverting basic biology to placate someone with a mental illness is the height of stupidity! Calling it discrimination is an insult to anyone who has received actual discrimination. Appalled at this decision by the so called medical professionals.”

Fortunately, the college can change its mind quickly. Medical associations and whole societies can rediscover sanity—whenever they’re ready to acknowledge reality. Never was the admonition, “Get real,” so apt.

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