Cold Temperature Extremes are Rising

GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS FROM THE FRONTIER CENTRE FOR PUBLIC POLICY Climate closely correlates with solar activity accounting for 80% of the trend over a 150-year period unlike C02.  April 2020 over […]
Published on May 7, 2020


Climate closely correlates with solar activity accounting for 80% of the trend over a 150-year period unlike C02.  April 2020 over the Canadian prairies was the third coldest since 1985 averaging 3°C below normal.7  Since 1985 there also evidence that the Canadian Prairies has been losing 4 growing degrees’ days (GDDs) per year in the summer months related to diminishing solar activity.8 So why are we on the Canadian prairies paying a carbon tax while it cools?

  • The current period of low solar activity (sunspot cycles 24/25), depicted in Figure 1, have been named the Eddy Solar Minimum.1
  • In the years 2018, 2019 and 2020 at the end of cycle 24 there has been an average of 11.6, 4.8 and 1.7 sunspots/month versus the average of 55.8 for the period 1985-2018 (September-August).4
  • The period 1814-1823 during Dalton minimum period (above chart) brought severe economic depression to northern Europe associated with extreme cold.2 Many scientists are concerned about cycle 25 in the Eddy solar minimum.5
  • This last winter (2019/20) a massive blizzard in Newfoundland saw 75 cm of snow over a large area of Newfoundland with the city of St John’s ‘cut-off’ from the rest of Canada for over 36 hours with farmers also severely hampered (photo).4
  • In 2007 UN’s IPPC categorically stated ‘winters in future would be milder and snow may disappear from land areas of the earth in a few decades.4 What’s happened?
  • Since 2007 the Northern Hemisphere has witnessed three severe winters (e.g. 2009/10, 2011/12 and 2013/14) with the brunt of severity in Western Europe.4
  • The winter of 2012/13 was extremely cold and snowy in parts of France, Germany, Belgium and Poland, with the city of Berlin experiencing its coldest winter in 100 years.4
  • Mid-January 2020, an extreme cold spell over North America saw wind-chill values of -50 C and lower in western Canada some mid-western US States.4
  • Easter weekend, April 11-13, 2020, saw 100s of cold & snowfall records broken in the U.S. Midwest; hardest hit states were: Montana, South Dakota, Colorado and Iowa.6
  • Media and environmentalists continue to link recent extreme weather (EW) events to warming of the earth’s climate as a result of human-CO2 emissions.4
  • April 29-30 Halifax was expected to receive 25 cm of snow after substantial amounts in New Brunswick.
  • North American media typically ignores cold extreme news events while high-lighting warm extremes.

PDF VERSION FC089 Cooling May 2020

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  1. Archibald, D. 2014. Twilight of Abundance: Why Life in the 21st century will be Nasty, Brutish and Short. Regency Publishing, Washington D.C. 208 pp
  2. Browning, I. and Garissa, E.M. 1981. Past and Future History: A Planners Guide Fraser Publishing Company, Burlington, Vermont. 382 pp
  4. Khandekar, M & R. Garnett.2020. Eart & Envi Scie Res &Rev Vol.3, Issue 2, 65-66.
  5. Whitehouse, David The Next Solar Cycle and Why it Matters for Climate, Note 2, The Global Warming Policy Foundation
  6. Electroverse
  7. Ray Garnett Climate and crop Letter May 8, 2020
  8. Garnett,E.R & M.L. Khandekar 2020 Is Diminishing Solar activity posing a threat the Canadian Prairie Agriculture. (Manuscript in preparation)



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