The Canadian Prairies are Cooling

A recent study of sunspot activity for the period 1985-2019 shows there has been a loss of close to 70 Growing Degree Days (GDDs) (a measure of solar heat units […]
Published on February 3, 2021

A recent study of sunspot activity for the period 1985-2019 shows there has been a loss of close to 70 Growing Degree Days (GDDs) (a measure of solar heat units required to bring a plant to maturation) in the months of June through August linked to diminishing solar activity and large-scale atmospheric oceanic drivers. Falling GDDs are a feature of a cooling climate – if there is insufficient GDDs plants will not mature leading to crop failures and billions in lost economic incomes and output. Fluctuations in solar activity are correlated closely with global temperatures. Less solar activity (i.e. fewer sunspots) means cooler global temperatures.

To find out more see  FC095TempsareCoolingFeb20215

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