Thinker’s Corner Video – A Conversation About Canada’s deadly response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

In the latest Frontier Centre research paper, David Redman, former head of Alberta’s Emergency Management Agency, holds that Canada’s Prime Minister, Premiers and Medical Officers of Health must be held […]
Published on August 2, 2021

In the latest Frontier Centre research paper, David Redman, former head of Alberta’s Emergency Management Agency, holds that Canada’s Prime Minister, Premiers and Medical Officers of Health must be held responsible for this deadly Canadian response, particularly for maintaining and extending the lockdown model when its lethal impacts were better known.

The Canadian deadly response to the COVID-19 Pandemic must never be repeated. Lessons learned from this pandemic must show that criminal negligence by our elected leaders and MOHs can and will be held to account in our courts.

About the Author

David Redman had a distinguished military career before becoming the head of EMA in 2004 and led the Provincial response to the devastating floods of June 2005. He also led the development of the 2005 Provincial Pandemic Influenza Plan. After retiring from EMA he continued to work as an expert in Emergency Management provincially, nationally and internationally until 2013 when he fully retired.

Watch the video here.

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